For over forty years now the decline was being written by the elitists who already have it all. This great experiment that our founding fathers forged has morphed into an imperialistic state where wealth flows to power then to control. We were to blind to see through the web of deception of what continues to be. The precious rights of freedom, choice and liberty have been stripped away by the power that money can buy.
When elections now are nothing more than dog and pony shows has turned this nation away from the past. We have endless campaigns where so much money is foolishly spent. We have become a nation so transfixed by media hype. We have become a nation without substance or control as evident when surges of people trample each other in the mad Black Friday holiday rush. To many of today's political figures hurl insults at each other which so often triggers more hostilities. All of these instances have transformed this nation into an unrecognizable state.
Many of us Baby Boomers can recall a time more civil in tone. The Christmas seasons of so long ago was a time of year that nourished the soul. The common courtesy and civility that prevailed symbolized a nation whose greatness rests not on military might or the wealth of the power elite but with the simplicity of a tempo so smooth and sweet. All that we find today is a tempo so rushed and hurried. No time to waste, not a minute to lose is the frantic pace of society today. This has to be one of the main reasons why this nation has ended up this way.
To all those so enamored by what this election has brought be very careful of what you have wished for. It has already turned out to be not what you bargained for and you can expect more pain and misery. A charlatan for sure so masked in the lime light of media popularity hidden from view lies hate and bigotry. History is about to repeat in so many ways. The deceit and deception was so convincing beguiling the public with promises that he won't be keeping.
We are now in dangerous waters with a nation already sinking. Like the captain of the Titanic he remains oblivious to our fate. The outrage continues over the ill gotten gains where Trump now assumes he can right this ship of state. Never before has there been such an outrage where a candidate looses the general election only to be crowned victorious by a system put in place to safeguard this country from the type of politician that will be soon sworn in. It just can't be Christmas, not like this!
By Dr. Tim G Williams
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