How Can I Set Up An Online Business In 2017?

If you've been considering setting up an online business you've most likely been motivated by sheer volume of buying and selling that is now taking place on the internet.

More and more people are buying products and services online. And if you set up your own online business you can claim your cut of this expanding marketplace. Here are the 5 steps to follow to set up an online business.

1. Pick Your Market

If you're going to set up an online business your first task is to determine what type of business it's going to be. Are you going to sell products or services? You can sell your own products or you can sell products produced by other businesses who will pay you commissions on your sales. Or you may choose to set up a membership website or offer teaching and coaching services online.

2. Build Your Website

Getting a website online isn't as complicated as you may think. Initially you'll need to purchase a name for your website (known as a domain name). Next you need to 'rent' some space on the internet (known as website hosting). Lastly you'll need a software package that will make it possible for you to put written text, images, videos etc onto your website. There are many website building programs available that make this whole procedure very easy.

3. Get Visitors To Your Website

When you website is online you have to get potential customers to visit it. There are two main ways to do this. You can use free website traffic techniques or paid website traffic techniques. Both have their pros and cons and the most effective traffic tactic to use a mixture of both.

4. Develop A Customer List

It's doubtful that your website visitors will want to buy anything from you on their first visit to your website. They may visit your website and never return. But obtain a visitor's email address with a special email capture form, you can remain contact with them via email. Your emails can keep them informed about your business and encourage them to return to your website.

If you offer something of value for free in return for someone's email address they are more likely to give you their email address. This can be something as straightforward as a free report or eBook that is relevant to your industry.

5. Provide Value

The content material on your website and in your emails, articles or blog posts has to be more than continuously trying to sell. When you provide high quality, useful information to your target audience will come to know, like and trust you. Your prospective customers will then be more willing to buy from you and continue to be as loyal customers for many years.

Even though the internet is competitive, it allows average people like you and me to use it in the same way as big businesses do. A potential customer can only look at one website at a time and, if you have the right elements in place, that website can easily be about your business. Here are the 5 key ingredients to setting up a successful online business:


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