How A Leader Makes CHOICES

Much time, effort, energy and financial resources have been spent, attempting to create leaders who might wisely, and effectively assist and serve organizations! Many hours have emphasized the need for meaningful, relevant decision - making skills, abilities and assets, yet we still rarely witness this being performed, on a regular basis! How can anyone make the right decisions, or attempt to take the best actions, until/ unless, he recognizes, considers, and analyzes various options and alternatives? If a leader is unwilling to maintain an open - mind, rather than prejudge or have some sort of personal bias, he limits his chances significantly! Let's review how leaders make CHOICES.

1. Clarifies: 

 One of the most challenging things for many people to do, is avoid jumping in, and speaking, too soon, often before they fully understand and/ or appreciate what the crux of the statement might be. Doing so, often opens up the Pandora's Box, where your haste, and assuming you know what someone else's concerns are, makes you respond, too soon, and thus introduce additional questions and concerns, rather than addressing the actual ones! Wait, listen, and clarify what is being asked, and what the concern might be, before responding!

2. Hears; head/ heart; humane:

It's challenging to hear someone else, when you don't listen, or merely think about what you're going to articulate! A true leader must carefully balance the logical explanations, with the emotional appeals, in a head/ heart balance. Few will listen to you, if they fail to believe you are humane!

3. Open - mind; options; opportunities:

Will you maintain an open - mind, and consider alternatives, whether they are yours, or some else's? How will you weigh many options, and make the wisest decisions, etc? Will you be prepared for opportunities, which present themselves, and will you recognize them? Will you seek to create the best opportunity, by remaining open - minded?

4. Ideas; intentions; integrity; ideals: 

 It is the duty and responsibility of a leader, to create, develop and introduce meaningful, relevant ideas, which are directed at making the group better! Examine your intentions, and ask yourself, if they are pure! Are you capable of proceeding with absolute integrity, avoiding the pitfalls of taking shortcuts, etc? Can you maintain true to the purest of your ideals?

5. Creative/ creates; cooperative:

Be cooperative, rather than adversarial! How will you bring about a meeting of the minds? Will you possess sufficient creativity, to create what needs to happen?

6. Excellence; empathy; example:

Will you commit to seeking excellence, rather than accepting good - enough? Will you listen effectively, and care deeply, so you can make empathetic decisions, for the best interests of those you serve? How will you set an example, for others to emulate, and respect?

7. Strengthening; sustainable system:

You won't be a real leader, unless your efforts focus on strengthening your organization, and its stakeholders! Will you be able to create, develop, and implement a well - considered, sustainable system?

How can you call yourself a leader, if you won't be able to make the necessary CHOICES? Are you ready, able and fit to be a real leader?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company,
PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning:


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