Capitalism Is King

Capitalism started out with a noble and high motive... but like most human systems it fell victim to the very thing it was revolting against. So today capitalism has out-lived its usefulness."~Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
American capitalism has become the tyranny that we fought so hard to escape. Now, before all the conservatives and free market economists set out to crucify me, just take a moment to process what I'm about to say. The mere concept of capitalism is a profound, novel, revolutionary idea, however in theory so was communism, socialism, and even monarchism in its era. The problem lies in the fact that here in America we have made capitalism our king.

Everyone knows about the beautiful portrayal of success and joy that the so called "American" dream embodies. Yet, many don't know the cost that we as a society are paying so that very few can live in lavish houses, and drive foreign cars. The side that has corrupted the institution of democracy this country was founded on, the side that has enabled and almost encouraged an entire subculture of drug dependents fiends, the side that exploits youth in their prime while claiming to glorify the principles it is inherently prohibiting. No, many people are not aware that America's dream has been accompanied by society's nightmare.
"If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it," exclaimed Mark Twain, one of history's most renowned and respected authors. In a sense I don't think that he was demeaning democracy or trying to say that our votes don't matter, but rather he was forecasting the situation that we in America find ourselves in today. Are you aware that there is an actual profession known as a lobbyist. This is someone who gets paid to persuade legislators to support a certain business or cause. The main instance of this would be the NRA, which has spent hundreds of millions of dollars in their efforts to maintain a certain laxity in our governments restriction of firearms and firearm distribution. And while I am a staunch supporter of the second amendment, I in no way feel as though they should be able to sway decisions made by our government for their monetary gain.

Although the NRA is a major contributor it is far from being the only player in this game. In fact it may not even be the most volatile or deadly conspirator in this capitalistically corrupt society. The pharmaceutical industry has more than achieved that title. The abuse of and addiction to opioids, such as heroin and morphine has reached an all time high in America. However, this epidemic stems from and is fueled by probably the most addictive opioid of them all. Painkillers. That is right, one of the most lethal and addictive drugs you can ingest can be received legally. The rampant use of prescription drugs has skyrocketed in the past decade. It is reported that nearly 3 of 5 Americans take a prescription drug, and that has pharmaceutical companies laughing straight to the bank. Pharmaceutical companies laid the foundation for this cash cow over 20 years ago when it was reported that painkillers are not addictive and have no adverse affects on the body. All the while convincing Congress to allow more and more use of the drugs and less and less control on the pricing of the drugs. The most disheartening part of this tragedy is that when one can no longer afford the exorbitant price of the prescription drugs they turn to the street alternative often leading them down the path of heroin dependency and often times death.

So maybe money isn't everything, maybe we should stop feeding our children the narrative of "get rich or die trying". America should embody the principles and values that truly express that all lives matter, and not this sense of by any means necessary. In the immortal words of John Maynard Keynes, one of the greatest economists to ever live, "Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone." Maybe America needs to wake up, and stop dreaming.

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