BENEFITS-Based Leadership

How someone in a position of leadership, and his constituents, perceive his performance and ability, are often quite different! Often, others do not see us, as we do, and/ or lack the same information, perspective, enthusiasm, motivation, or impetus, to get more deeply involved, and/ or care more deeply! Getting through this barrier is often quite a challenge, and since few can truly, effectively, read minds, the best approach is generally, to focus on how a leader's efforts impact others, and what real and/ or perceived BENEFITS, might be derived from his efforts. After all the other prerequisites and necessities of effectively leading. are considered and applied, in the final analysis, how one helps and makes a beneficial difference, in the lives of those he serves, and his organization, often makes the ultimate difference between being a great leader, versus a wannabe!

1. Brings; beliefs: Ask yourself constantly, what do you bring to the table? How will your plans, efforts, focus, and leadership, make a quality difference, for your group and constituents? Can you communicate your beliefs, in a manner, which motivates others, to get more involved, and care more deeply? Many potential followers begin by asking, How does it benefit me? What's in it, for me?

2. Empathy: Before anything you might do, will even have the opportunity to benefit others, it must relate, to what your followers perceive to be their needs, concerns and priorities. The only way to learn and discover what these are, is to listen effectively, listening far more often than you speak! When you do so, you will be able to consistently perform, with empathy, and be perceived as an empathetic leader!

3. Needs: Remember, it's all about needs, priorities and concerns, and not about how something serves your purposes, etc! True leaders focus on needs, and do so, with the intent of benefiting those they serve!

4. Excellence; expertise: Don't merely do something, either to appear busy, attempt to pacify or impress, or because you have the best of intentions, but fail to understand the situation fully! Rather, understand what you hope to achieve, and proceed with the highest degree of excellence! Realize, while one needs experience, in order to develop expertise, merely having experiences, does not guarantee becoming an expert! Apply what you've learned and done, to do things better, in order to benefit your group!

5. Fulfill; facts: Your purpose, as a leader, must be to fulfill the highest and best objectives, in service to your organization! Collect and gather the facts, and differentiate between reality and perceptions!

6. Ideas; intentions; ideology: Before developing and implementing ideas, be certain your ideology, is based upon, and in sync with, that of your organization. When was the last time, you took a real, honest look, at your intentions?

7. Timely; trends: One of the greatest enemies of helping others effectively, is procrastination! Be prepared, understand trends (and take advantage of those, which might be appropriate), and be ready, willing able, to proceed, in a timely, well - considered manner!

8. Strengthening; sustainable system: Sometimes, someone in a leadership position, over - reacts to circumstances, or short - term needs, and takes draconian measures, without considering ramifications, or longer - term effects. Benefits - based leaders proceed to create, develop, and implement, a strengthening, sustainable system.

Will you merely be involved in a leadership position, or will you be, a BENEFITS - based leader? It's always up to you!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning:

Article Source: BENEFITS-Based Leadership

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