Everyone has network marketing problems and is looking for a great solution. I'm sure you are the same.
There are a lot of problems but the biggest one I have seen is the inability to recruit people onto their teams. There are plenty of reasons that people may not join your team or want to work with you but if you are building your team online, it is most likely because people don't feel they know, like or trust you.
Here are three things you can do so that people can develop that know, like and trust online.
Set Up Your Social In an Appealing Way
If I go to your social media, what am I going to find? Is there a photo of your dog as your profile picture? Maybe you have a photo of your product or your company logo. None of these things makes me say, oh wow! I really like Joe and I would like to look into doing business with him.
Get a nice photo of yourself at your profile picture before you do anything else. It does not have to be fancy but you want to look welcoming and friendly.
Do Video
Video is one of the fastest ways to let people "into your world." Since most of communication is nonverbal, people will learn more about you in a short video than they will in a quick glance over your profile.
Start a Blog
Blogging allows people to get to know what you believe and if they agree with you, you will begin to develop the like factor. If you are teaching them something and it helps them then you are developing the trust factor.
Not everyone is going to do all of these things. Just pick one to get started with right now and you will be making progress.
There are a lot of problems but the biggest one I have seen is the inability to recruit people onto their teams. There are plenty of reasons that people may not join your team or want to work with you but if you are building your team online, it is most likely because people don't feel they know, like or trust you.
Here are three things you can do so that people can develop that know, like and trust online.
Set Up Your Social In an Appealing Way
If I go to your social media, what am I going to find? Is there a photo of your dog as your profile picture? Maybe you have a photo of your product or your company logo. None of these things makes me say, oh wow! I really like Joe and I would like to look into doing business with him.
Get a nice photo of yourself at your profile picture before you do anything else. It does not have to be fancy but you want to look welcoming and friendly.
Do Video
Video is one of the fastest ways to let people "into your world." Since most of communication is nonverbal, people will learn more about you in a short video than they will in a quick glance over your profile.
Start a Blog
Blogging allows people to get to know what you believe and if they agree with you, you will begin to develop the like factor. If you are teaching them something and it helps them then you are developing the trust factor.
Not everyone is going to do all of these things. Just pick one to get started with right now and you will be making progress.
Learn about the proven system I am using to create success for myself and my team here and start living the life you've always wanted to live! WorkWithJVine.com
By Jessica Lauren Vine