Why Great Leaders Must Have HEART

Have you ever really thought about the famous lyrics, You've gotta have heart? Obviously, it isn't merely referring to the organ contained in every human being's chest cavity! Rather, it refers to the combination of caring deeply, being considerate of others, having emotions (including love, etc), possessing and following one's conscience, etc. Perhaps it means simply doing the right thing? As important as this in each of us, because real leaders often have great responsibilities, and must make well - considered decisions, it is even more essential in a leader! Therefore, let's consider, and touch briefly upon, why great leaders must have HEART.

1. Humane; hear; honest:

How should leaders treat others, and each other? Our greatest ones always proceed with the highest and best forms of humanity, behaving consistently in a kind, caring, humane manner. They realize how important it is to let others feel comfortable, confiding in them, and in order to maintain this high level of relationship, they must take the best actions to address needs, concerns and priorities. They truly hear what is being said, because they spend far more time listening than speaking! They consistently behave in an honest, genuine way, and are perceived by others as caring deeply!

2. Empathy; endear; enrich; example: 

 What type of example should a leader set? Is he empathetic, or does he resort to empty rhetoric and promises? What does he do which might endear him to others? How will he proceed, so as to enrich the experiences of those he serves?

3. Attitude; attention; articulate:

Possessing a positive attitude is far different from proceeding with rose - colored glasses, or simply using positive rhetoric and terminology! It is proceeding in a can - do manner, looking at ways to transform lemons, into lemonade! They pay attention to the past, present and future needs, requirements and conditions, and to the details of getting something accomplished! They articulate their message, ideas and plans, in a clear - cut, caring, motivating way!

4. Relevant; rationale; reach: 

 Is your approach meaningful and relevant, to those you serve, but who might not have the same perceptions or insights, as you do? Will you thoroughly explain your rationale, and how it benefits the organization, and constituents? How will you reach out to others, to ask them to assist and join you, in your glorious, worthwhile quest?

5. Timely; true; takes care:

 Addressing yesterday's issues and concerns, rarely either attracts others deeply, or helps sustain the group! True leaders realize their ideas, and actions, must be timely! If you really care about others, you will commit to being true to them, and telling them the truth, even when it might be somewhat painful or inconvenient to do so! A real leader takes care of those he serves and represents!
Do you have the HEART to be a genuine, meaningful leader? If so, clearly demonstrate that, to others, and do what needs to be done!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning: http://facebook.com/Plan2lead

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