Whether you seek or serve in some position of leadership, or whether we take an objective look at what you're really all about, perhaps the best way to evaluate and consider someone's life, is to look at their deeds and accomplishments! My late father always told me, the best way to judge someone's life, is to think about how and if, others will remember him, and what will they remember! Will you be remembered by your rhetoric, possessions, or how you life may have had an impact, for the better, on others? Isn't that really how we should also, judge our leaders, not by the level of their rhetoric, or the quality of their articulation, but rather, how their actions, may have had a positive impact on their organization, and/ or society? The best way to consider someone's life, purpose and impact, is not merely by their possessions, or financial fortune, but rather, by considering what they have DONE when they were alive! Have you ever wondered what differentiates those who are remembered after they depart, versus others who cannot depart quickly enough?
1. Donated; delivered; designed:
Let's consider a scenario, where two individuals accumulated huge financial fortunes. One not only was an excellent businessman, but also a generous philanthropist, while the other was predominantly self - serving! Look at how one donated to worthwhile projects, and to what degree. How did each support the causes nearest and dearest to his heart? Overlook the self - proclamations and self - praise/ rhetoric/ claims, but look deeper and more thoroughly, to what was actually delivered/ achieved! Donations may be financial, but they might have also been donations of time, etc, so it is important to consider, what someone might have originated/ designed, and implemented/ achieved!
2. Organized; opinions; options:
Was an individual satisfied simply cloning the approaches, ideas, etc, of those who served before him, or did he contribute something different, relevant and sustainable? Look to see if he had a plan, and proceeded in an organized, well - considered manner, or merely proceeded crisis to crisis? Was he ready, willing and able, to express his personal opinions, and reasons, or was he afraid to rock - the - boat? Did he weight options and alternatives, or remain within the limitations of his comfort zone?
3. Needs; niche:
Each of us have certain areas of strength, as well as weakness. The difference between success and less spectacular results, is often, the ability to understand these, and use them, to best apply to the specific niche of your group. Whose needs did an individual serve, his own, or those he served?
4. Energy; empathy; example:
How can you fully know which path to take, unless you begin by listening effectively to those you serve, learning/ discovering their needs, concerns, and priorities, and then proceeding, with empathy? No one follows a lethargic individual for long, so one's results are also directly related to the level of his personal energy! If you want to be remembered, in a positive way, consider the type of example you set for others!
What will your life achievements, and what you've DONE, say about you? It's up to you!
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of
Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events,
consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development
seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of
articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning: http://facebook.com/Plan2lead