What To Do When You Lack Perseverance

Sometimes people are put into situations where they have to persevere. Otherwise, they face dire consequences. For instance, during a war, soldiers may not have the luxury of sleep if they are placed in combat situations. They may have to stay awake and alert for way more hours than most of us would be able to endure.

People who face certain debilitating conditions may find themselves needing to persevere to overcome those conditions. In keeping with the soldier reference, someone who loses a limb in battle may need to go through intense therapy to cope and compensate for this.

But what happens when you are not faced with a life-and-death situation? How do you persevere when it is not absolutely necessary for your survival? If this is the case, it could be that you are not looking deep enough into what you want.

How do you determine what your passions are?

Start by thinking about your daydreams. Often, we imagine our lives different from what they are now through those daydreams. If they occur frequently enough, that could be a great indication of what you are passionate about.

Another way to determine your passions is to ask others.

Sometimes, we take what we are good at for granted. For example, you may be great at giving advice but wouldn't think twice about pursuing that because it's just something you do. When others tell you that you are good at this, it could open your eyes to pursue it.

People who know you can also give you insight into what you are not good at even when you believe you are. This could be a big reason why you lack perseverance. You are simply pursuing the wrong things for yourself. Of course, it is never easy to hear that you are not good at something, especially when you have the opposing belief. But in the end, if you get enough people to set you straight, you can then choose the right alternative to get you back on track.

Another possibility is you are good at something but are burnt out from doing it.

You have been doing it for so long you could practically do it in your sleep. But you hate it. There is no longer any of the magic left. You are simply going through the motions. You have no reason, in this case, to push for anything because you have exhausted all options. If this is the case, move onto something else.

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