Techniques For Mounting A Successful Mobile Marketing Campaign

Mobile marketing is currently the hottest tool for marketers as more and more people, or potential buyers, now own a cell phone. As this type of marketing is relatively new, there is not much advice around. This article contains a few tips and ideas to help you to get started with mobile marketing.

Send offers or communications sparingly as part of your mobile marketing campaign. Customers sign up to receive valuable and relevant information or offers but do not respond well to overwhelming volumes of messages. Many people today are bombarded by e-mails and text messages, so make sure your communications stand out as providing value without being annoying.

Focus on relevance and timeliness when planning your mobile marketing campaign. Messages received in this format should be brief bursts of information that can be immediately applied. For example, rather than messaging about a sale scheduled weeks in advance, send a reminder shortly before opening hours or provide information not previously available like a change in speaker.

Some mobile marketers get out of hand with their messaging and can send five to six messages a day per customer. Doing this sort of aggressive campaigning, will simply turn customers off to your business, especially if they have to pay for each individual text that they receive from you.

When creating advertising for the mobile web, you must ensure that the content is compatible with a majority of different mobile browsers. This is important to consider because you do not want to inadvertently restrict customers from being able to view your content. Stick with the major phone manufacturers and double check to see if there are any restrictions that the service providers may have in place.

Be careful that you don't come across as a stalker to your customers when mobile marketing. You don't want to make it seem as if you're inquiring about their exact location, and if you do happen to know where they're at, maybe you shouldn't relay that info. The "I'm watching you" feeling is very unsettling.

Make it very easy for your customers to unsubscribe from receiving your text messages. Many times having the option to reply with the word 'stop' will be the easiest way. This will lower any frustration if a customer no longer wants to receive texts. Remember that just because they don't want a text does not mean they do not want to be a customer.

Never send out any type of unsolicited messages. This will just be spam to people, and you may end up losing potential customers quickly. If they get a message from someone or some company they don't know, they will probably just delete it right away, and be a little frustrated.

The tips above should have given you some ideas which will help you to create an effective mobile marketing ad campaign for your business. You should also continue to keep up to date with the latest developments in the mobile marketing industry so that you can stay ahead of your competitors.

Kurt Tasche is an Internet entrepreneur, martial artist and motivational speaker. He writes articles on the topics of Internet marketing, personal development, business, motivation, martial arts and more. His passion is teaching how the disciplines and strategies of the martial arts can be applied to self development and business. You can learn more about Kurt by reading his blog at:

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