Should Someone Delete Their 'Friends' If They Supported A Different Presidential Candidate?

Now that the election is over, it has given people the chance to share their views on what has taken place. This could be a time when one is happy about how it is has gone, or they could feel let down.

Alternatively, they could wonder what all the fuss is about, and think about how life will go on either way. In this case, it is likely to show that they didn't vote for anyone, or that they didn't have to.

On The Outside

At the same, there is also the chance that they didn't have the opportunity to vote. Perhaps they were in a position where they were unable to get involved, or they might even live in another country.
However, even if one does live in another country, it doesn't mean that they didn't get involved in what was going on. Where they were in the world would then have been irrelevant, and it would have been as if they were an American citizen.


When one has no interest in what has taken place, there can be no need for them to get caught up in what their friend's are saying about what has taken place. They could simply listen to what they have to say and that could be as far as it goes.

If they were to come across someone who voted for Hillary, they might say that there is nothing they can do about it, and that they need to carry on with their life. In their eyes, it is going to be a waste of time to focus on something that is out of their control.


As although one was able to vote for Hillary, there was no guarantee that she would actually win the election. Therefore, one had very little control at this point, and now they have no control whosoever when it comes to doing anything about the result.

It is then going to be a good idea for one to focus on what they can do, as opposed to something that is out of their control. After all, waiting for someone else to change the word is not the answer.


It has been said that the people in power want people to see them as the answer to their problems, as this will make it easier to control them. When someone looks towards an external source to change their life, it can be normal for them feel helpless.

The power that they have to change their life will be ignored, and it could be said that they will have regressed to a childlike state of mind. The government can then be seen as a mother or a father figure, and as someone who will make everything better.


Now, this is unlikely to allow someone to get very far in life, but what it will do is give other people a lot of power over them. Nevertheless, if someone is caught up in the belief that they will be taken care of, it is going to be a challenge for them to realise what is taking place.

Another Outcome

And if one was to come across someone who voted for Trump, they could still have a similar response. In this case, they will be on the winning side, so to speak, but it's not going to be as if their life will have suddenly improved.

It is also not going to mean that all the problems in American will have disappeared either; it is going to take a while for things to change. As to what will change and what will stay the same, this will be revealed as time passes.


When one is not pleased with what has taken place, it is not going to be hard for them to find somewhere where they can share their views. The only thing they will need to do is to go on social media and to share their views with their 'friends'.

This can be a time where they will come across a lot of people who also wanted Hillary to win. One way of looking at this would be to say that her support shows that she was the best candidate; another way of looking at it would be to say that this shows how much control the mainstream media has over people.

Letting It All Out

But with that aside, this platform can give them the chance to share their views on what has taken place. They could talk about how shocked they are, and they could even lay into the people who voted for Trump.
If they were to come across someone who supported Trump, it could then be a challenge for them to be civil. Instead, they could make a number of accusations, and they might even think about deleting them.


And while one could act in this way if they wanted Hillary to win, they could also have the same approach if they wanted Trump to win. It is then not going to be possible for them to accept that someone could see life differently.

When something like this takes place, other people are going to be seen as being either 'good' or 'bad'. The fact that life is rarely this black and white and that people are typically a composite of both will be put to one side.

The Illusion

When one wants to delete someone for supporting a different candidate; they could think about if they always agree with what their friends say. If they were to do this, they would probably soon see that there are lots of things that they don't agree on.

Thus, if they only want to spend time with people who have the same views as they do, they wouldn't have any friends. Being friends with someone involves respecting their views and having moments when they can agree to disagree.

Not the Same

Still, it could be said that this is different, as someone would need to be mad to support Hillary/Trump. The best thing is then going to be for them to distance themselves from someone who is like this.

This is one way of looking at it; another way would be for one to take the time to listen to why someone would have supported another candidate To do this, they would need to put their preconceived notions to one side and to have an open mind.

Grow and Development

Through doing this, it will give them the chance to gain a deeper understanding into why someone has a different outlook. This could then mean that they will no longer see them as being mad, and they could start to see that they have legitimate reasons.

One is then using their ability to put themselves in another person's shoes; instead of putting them down for seeing life differently. This can then stop them from losing a friend and they can expand their own mind.


What this shows is how easy it is for someone to act in a negative manner when they believe that they are right and other people are wrong. Through being convinced by what is taking place in their own mind, it can stop them from being able to take in new information.

The sense of superiority that they experience through having a certain outlook can cause them to be completely misguided. This shows how important it is for someone to make sure that they don't get too attached to what they believe.

Prolific writer, author, and coach, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With over one thousand in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice. His current projects include 'A Dialogue With The Heart' and 'Communication Made Easy'.

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