Looking For The Meat

For years, there have been divisions within the Church. They have taken the form of Biblical interpretations, doctrines, music, and types of worship. These differences have exposed the Church to both internal and external criticism. Jesus' warning that divisions will have a negative effect on different institutions has gone mostly ignored. (Luke 11:17)

One of the areas that seems to generate a continual flow of criticism is the preaching/teachings that come from the pulpit. The verbal challenges that seem to originate from the pews is that some feel they are not being fed! As a result of "diet" preaching, these people become dissatisfied, and threaten to leave the church in search of a fellowship that offers deeper teachings. It is true there is diversity in preaching/teaching, but there is a purpose for that.

The Corinthian Church operated in all the gifts of the Holy Spirit and were the forerunners in exhibiting the gifts. (I Corinthians 1:7) Yet something was out of order. One of the hindrances to spiritual growth is humanism dressed up in Christian garments. When Paul came to Corinth, he preached the basics of the Faith. Believers needed to have a good foundation if they were to build a life exemplary of Jesus Christ. Paul realized the church was grounded in carnality. In his first letter to them, he acknowledged that they had not grown enough to shed the carnal label. (i Corinthians 3:1,2) He attempted in his letters to correct and instruct the fleshly orientated members. Many of the problems with the exhibiting of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit today is the result of carnal Believers that have not matured. So many are living in a "Back To The Future" sequel, where they continue to relive the carnally of the Corinthian Church. The Church needs to learn from the mistakes the Corinthians made, so it won't make the same mistakes they did.

When the Body of Christ becomes established in the basics of the Christian faith, they will be able to consume the meat of the Word. A good platform on which to build on the Truth is the Sermon on the Mount. (Matthew 5-7) Many times, Pastors will feed their flock what the sheep need, rather than what they want. We must trust that the Pastor is called of God and is led by the Holy Spirit. If people want deeper preaching/teaching, they need to display evidence of spiritual growth.

Split churches are usually caused by Believers who have not grown up. The Corinthian Church was hung up with personalities. There were four specific groups in their fellowship: The Apollos disciples, the Peter followers, Paul's army, and the Jesus only people. This last group seemed to have a pious attitude of spiritual superiority. A divided church sends a message to the observing world that diversification among Believers is normal. There are differences among people, but there should never be a difference in the message that is conveyed. Jesus prayed that His followers would be one so "that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them, as You have loved Me." (John 17:23)

It is time for the Church to grow up. Paul stated that when he was a child he did childish things, but when he grew up he put away those things. (I Corinthians 13:11) If Believers want deeper Truths, they need to grow up so they will be able to consume the "meat" of the Word. Paul's letter to the Hebrews put all this in the right perspective when he said that Believers who should be maturing into teachers, needed to be taught the basics again. He stated that strong meat belongs to the mature. (Hebrews 5:12-14) Before we start complaining about the preaching/teaching, maybe we should ask ourselves if we have matured enough to receive the "prime rib" when it is served.

Haus Persaingan

Haus Persaingan Cerita ini berisi tema atau penyebutan kekerasan fisik, gore, atau pelecehan. Saya telah menatap layar selama berjam-jam. ...