How To TRAIN Quality Leaders?

How often have you heard someone, like me, discuss the need for effective, professional, meaningful, leadership training? However, is this discussion usually predominantly full of generalities and platitudes, or does it go into the type of detail, in order to develop effective, meaningful programs, which will produce the type of leaders, which will optimize producing the type of real leaders, which will make your group more relevant and sustainable? Everyone would agree, it is important to develop great leaders, if you hope to assure, your organization might be the type, everyone hopes for, and seeks! Let's examine, using mnemonics, how we should TRAIN leaders.

1. Technique; touch; tendencies; teach; together:

The first thing a leader must realize, understand, and take to heart, is only when leaders and constituents work together, for the common good, can one create an organization which everyone can be proud of! An essential component in the training process, must be teaching and developing the quality of technique, and the necessary skills. This must be detailed, and in - depth! It must be a combination of personal touch, understanding, a well - developed gut, and a caring, uplifting attitude. One must be trained so thoroughly and comprehensively, that his natural, first tendencies, are those great leaders need!

2. Relevant; reliable; rationale; rational; reasoning; responsible:

You will never be a leader, if you don't proceed in a responsible, responsive manner! You must focus on relevant priorities and goals, and be able to analyze and differentiate the relevant, from the non - priorities! How will you learn to proceed in a reliable way, which you can depend upon? You'll only develop the leadership skills, when you fully realize and can explain your rationale, for doing things as you do! How can you be certain your reasoning is rational and responsible?

3. Attitude; aptitude; attention:

A positive, can - do attitude evolves over a period of time, and is developed and instilled, not inborn! Training must emphasize this mindset! Combining a positive attitude, with the skills, assets, and superior aptitude, make someone a greater leader! The final necessity in this equation is the ability and willingness, to pay keen attention, to details, and to contingencies and ramifications!

4. Integrity; ideals; ideas; imagination:

The one thing which one cannot train, is behaving with absolute integrity. However, a great trainer, can drum home how essential this quality is, and help direct people to be more introspectively objective, and examine their personal integrity! Ideals must be aligned with the mission of the group, so one must be trained to fully understand, all the group stands for, and its potential, etc. The better the training, the better one might be trained to develop and use his imagination, to bring forth ideas, which make a real difference!

5. Needs; niche; numbers:

Numbers matter, and a leader must understand these, as they relate to revenues, expenses, membership, etc. Each group has some unique qualities, and thus a leader must be trained to realize the niche and nuances, he must serve skillfully! Finally, leaders must learn to create action and strategic plans, based on needs, concerns and priorities!

This is the basis of developing the type of leadership, which potentially, might make a real, significant difference! The alternative, unfortunately, is often a dearth of meaningful leadership!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website; and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning:
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