How to Select A Bladeless Trocar With High Quality Control Test

The trocar is a device used in minimal invasive surgery to access and drain collections of fluid and tissue from patient's abdominal. While this device has historically had many uses it is currently most often used to perform laparoscopic surgery. Traditionally this device had a three points or pyramid design which carried the potential for additional patient damage during the procedure. Today, it is more common for surgeons to use a bladeless trocar to limit the potential for medical complications and enhance overall patient safety while minimizing recovery time. At a glance, every trocar may look the same however there are a few key differences and design which can make one bladeless trocar significantly safer than another.

The first feature to consider is the ability to mount a scope on the trocar. This allows operators to observe any potential damage to abdominal walls during insertion. Along with the ability to mount a scope, it is important the scope angle allows for accurate depth perception to minimize any potential for damage.

The use of a transparency sleeve has become a key feature of a bladeless trocar. The transparent sleeve structure should offer stability and convenience during operation while minimizing strain in the abdominal wall. Additionally, the sleeve should be available in a variety of length and shapes depending on the purpose of use.

Another key safety feature is a one touch release button. This allows the surgeon to separate or combine the bladeless trocar with one hand. Not only does this make it easier to take out tissue also allows the surgeon greater freedom of movement during surgery.

The final important feature of a bladeless trocar is the tip itself. A bladeless tip must have a precise design to ensure it does not need a large opening during the insertion process. If it requires a large opening that offers no significant advantage over a bladed trocar. The best bladeless tips are much more precise and safer than their steel made bladed counterparts. Not only do the flat incisions make it easier for the wound to close but can also decrease the pain a patient experiences during the recovery process.

Along with specific features and capabilities of a bladeless trocar it is important the device undergoes specific tests during the design and manufacturing phase. One important test is the resistance and durability test. This specifically focuses on the sealing part. For resistance test to provide the best results it is critical the part is tested in both the forward and reverse direction. Durability test could show how the sealing part is durable especially circle silicone part. The other important test is an air leak test. It is essential and the feature of this test both a low-pressure and high-pressure test to ensure effectiveness of sealing part's design. To be considered safe, a bladeless trocar must include all the key design features and both tests have been conducted.
Rosario Berry is a professional freelance writer, like to introduce Vaxcon Corporation. This is common for surgeons to use Vaxcon Bladeless Trocar to limit the scope for medical complications and enhance overall patient safety while minimizing recovery time.
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