How to Detox With Food

Sometimes you want to rid your body of as many toxins as possible. People often want to do this before starting a weight loss program. Some like to do it before the holidays. One way to do it is with food. This requires eating only healthy foods that help to cleanse your system, and avoiding those with preservatives or bad ingredients. Here are some tips for detoxing your body with food.

Start With These Tips

Before we look at the foods that are good options for detoxing, there are a few things to keep in mind. Here are some basic tips for detoxing with food:

Always read the ingredients - Every single thing you put into your body should be done with care. Even if a label says 'organic' or 'natural', that doesn't mean it doesn't contain preservatives, food coloring, or high-fructose corn syrup. For the most part, these ingredients are not necessary. Make sure you read the ingredients of every single packaged food you eat so you know what to eat and what to avoid. If you don't know what an ingredient is, you probably don't need it in your body.

Rinse fresh produce - Using fresh produce is highly preferred over frozen and canned fruits and vegetables. However, rinsing your produce is needed just in case it was sprayed to avoid insects and premature rotting. Even organic fresh produce could use a quick rinse.

Try green tea with lemon in the morning - Instead of grabbing an energy drink or your usual AM cup of coffee, continue with the detox by having green tea with lemon. The hot water combined with the healthy tea and lemon gives you a boost of energy and is a great way to start the day.

Drink plenty of water - You should always be drinking plenty of water, even when focusing on food for your detox.

Detox With the Right Foods

With the tips out of the way, it is time to look at a few foods that are good for detoxing. These foods are highly recommended for your food detox.

Artichokes. Artichokes are a powerful antioxidant that help to cleanse your liver and help your body digest fats better. You will experience less inflammatory responses from the fats you eat.

Watercress. This is a type of vegetable that goes great on noodles or in a salad. Watercress is not only good for you, but it can help to clean the enzymes in your liver.

Lemon. The vitamin C you get from lemons is perfect for a detox since it helps to improve your digestion and cleanse your system.

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