How Can You Achieve, Until You Know What You're LOOKING For?

Nearly every individual who has ever ascended, been selected or elected, to a position of leadership, has proclaimed, he hopes to achieve what's needed most by the organization, and believes (or thinks he does), he is ready, able, willing and prepared, to do so, with a high degree of excellence! Unfortunately, however, these same individuals, often do not clearly understand, realize, conceive, perceive, or visualize, what is truly needed! The reality, of course, is, it is extremely challenging, if not nearly impossible and improbable, for someone, to become an effective, meaningful leader, unless he first, comes to grips, with a combination of history, reality, priorities, mission, etc. How can anyone, truly achieve, until/ unless, he knows, what he's LOOKING for?

1. Listen; learn; look; leadership:

Beware of anyone who believes he has all the answers, and knows more than everyone else! One must make the effort to listen effectively, learn constantly, look closely, and use all the skills possible, to become excellent at, leadership planning!

2. Options:

Never become a My way or the highway leader! In addition, avoid the tendency, to attempt to avoid ruffling any feathers, and, thus avoid real leading! One who merely tries to become a carbon - copy of others, and continue the same - old, same - old ways, when alternatives are available and possible, will never become a great leader! Understand, evaluate and take advantage of the best possible options.

3. Opportunities:

While, occasionally, opportunities might be so obvious, it seems they are staring one in the face, at other times, they may be disguised, in the form of well - considered, and performed, hard work! You will never be able to achieve to your greatest potential, unless/ until, you are ready, able and willing, to take advantage of these opportunities!

4. Knowledge:

How do you learn best? Whatever method works for you, ask yourself if you are consistently gaining valuable knowledge from your experiences, training and learning, and whether you will be able to funnel this knowledge into wisdom!

5. Ideas; ideology:

A leader's core ideology and beliefs, must align closely with those of the organization, he serves, or, that conflict, will often create confusion, both for the leader, as well as the constituents. One will not become one of the meaningful leaders, if he is not, and ideas - person, who sees things as they are, and conceptualizes, how they should be!

6. Needs:

Who are you trying to serve? True leadership must not be about serving the leader's desires, and needs, but rather, consistently focusing on, and serving, the needs, priorities and concerns of constituents!

7. Goals:
If you want to lead, ask yourself the reasons, aspirations, and motivations, that are driving you! Great leaders distinguish themselves, by both the quality and intents, of their goals!

Obviously, true leaders must achieve meaningful accomplishments, etc. However, one must first, identify, clearly, what he's LOOKING to accomplish/ achieve!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning:

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