Free Speech: Do Some People Try To Silence Others Because They Can't Handle Their Own Emotions?

While someone could experience a negative reaction if another person was to say something bad about them, this could also take place if they were to express their views. As a result of this, it could be a challenge for them to feel at peace within.

No Escape

One could then spend time with people who respect them, but that doesn't mean that they will always appreciate being in their company. This could be a time when these people will listen to what they have to say and give them positive feedback.

In fact, they could be the kind of friends that most people would want to have in their life. Ever so, if one of them was to say something that they don't agree with, their inner world could soon change.

The Same

Based on how they respond, it could be as if one of their friends has said something bad about them. Thus, it is not going to matter if they around people who treat well or people who don't, as their experience is likely to be the same.

And if someone nearby was to pay attention to what his taking place, they could come to the conclusion that they are with someone who is abusive, for instance. Yet, due to how they have reacted, this is not much of a surprise.

One Approach

At first, this could have been something that irritated their friends, but as time has passed, they might have learnt to tread carefully. Instead of being able to be themselves, they would have ended up putting on an act.
Whenever they get together, their conversations could stay at a certain level and/or only cover certain topics. At the same time, a number of their friends could have ended up walking away.


To be in their company could be seen as being more trouble than it is worth, and they might prefer to be around people who are not as sensitive. This will then allow them to be themselves, as opposed to having to walk on egg shells all the time.

Having said that, a number of people in their life could be just the same, and this can mean that they will enjoy being in their company. Still, one could find that there are moments when these people offend them.

Another Area

The people in their life are unlikely to be the only ones who have this effect on them; what they see online could also have an impact on them. One could go on social media, and before long, they could soon feel angry or upset.

This could relate to what one of their 'friends' has said, or it could be a sign that they have looked through what other people have been saying about a certain video or article. What this comes down to is that there is going to be no shortage of things for them to be offended about.

The Real World

When it comes to their day to-day-life, there could be plenty of things for them get worked up over. If they were to travel somewhere by bus or train, some of the things that other people talk about could annoy them.
And if they were to come across any billboards or posters during this time, their emotional state could soon change. The only way for them to feel at peace might be for them to go to go the middle of nowhere.

On The Inside

However, although there won't be anything on the outside that will offend them, they will still have to deal with what is taking place within them. As there are no external distractions, their mind could bring up all the things that have recently had an effect on them.

If they are able to calm their mind down, they will soon be at peace, but if they are unable to do so, they might feel the need to go back to where they were. One reason for this is that being offended by so many things could have also have a positive effect on them.

Two Sides

On one side, there will be the 'negative' emotions that they experience, and this will take a lot out of them. As if they rarely responded to life in this way, they may find that they have more energy.

On the other side, experiencing life in this way can give one a sense of being morally superior. This is because one can see themselves as being someone who is able to recognise when people are behaving in a harmful manner.

Making a Difference

Through being able to see when something is offensive, it gives them the ability to do something about it. Therefore, if someone doesn't experience life in the same way as they do, it can be seen as a sign that they don't have the same level of awareness.

When someone offends them in some way, they could end up doing everything they can to silence them. In their eyes, this could be seen as the only solution to what is taking place.

A Number of Approaches

If someone online has offended them, they could try to have been banned, or they could do everything they can to tarnish their image. It is clear that one will have a lot of control online.

When it comes to the real world, one might still try to destroy their image, and they could use social media do to this. Another thing they could do is to try to get them banned from certain places, or see if they can get them sacked from their job, among other things.


One way of looking at this is to say that one is not just trying to control what other people say; they are also trying to control their life. Through doing this, they will no longer offend other people, and one can then feel as though they have achieved something.

Yet, if one was able to take a step back and to reflect on their behaviour, they might begin to see why they are behaving in this way. This could be a time when they will see that they are unable to handle their own emotions and, through silencing others, it makes it easier for them to feel at peace.

A Closer Look

It is then not going to be possible for them to try to silence others for a few days and then carry on with their life; it will have to be a regular occurrence. If they don't do this, their inner world is likely to be in complete disarray.

Their inability to regulate their own emotions could be due to what took place during their childhood years. Perhaps this was a time when they didn't receive the attunement that they needed in order to develop this ability.


When one tries to silence others, they are going to do everything they can to stop them from being able to express their views. And through being so caught up in this, one can be oblivious to the fact that it might only be a matter of time before they are silenced.

Another option would be for them to develop the ability to handle their own emotions, and they might then find that they no longer need to control what other people say. This can take place with the assistance of a therapist.

Prolific writer, author, and coach, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With over one thousand in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice. His current projects include 'A Dialogue With The Heart' and

 'Communication Made Easy'.

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