Break Through Fear and Succeed

We have all encountered fear at one time or another, but it is how we handle fear that makes all of the difference. I am one who believes that being fearful at times is natural (since we are human), but I also feel like it is important to learn how to control fear or else it will control you. You can't allow fear to hold you back from taking a leap of faith. Even if you feel some fear you still have to move forward. Don't let fear paralyze you emotionally and make you stay stagnant.

We take risks every single day, for example, driving, flying, making investments, and so on. But many times we don't really focus on the risks. We focus on the results... the outcome. And we trust that everything is going to be okay. That is the same mindset you should have when it comes to you taking a leap of faith to achieve your goals and dreams. Focus on the results. Change can be scary but change can also be good at the same time. Sure there is a chance of you not succeeding but what if you do succeed? Then your life can change drastically. So focus on the success part and not the failure part.

If you don't want to be in the same place one year from now then you must initiate change in your life. And that is whatever change means for you. But ultimately it should mean that you are dedicated to taking steps to improve your life, and shift it in the direction you want it to go in. If you want more success in your life then change is not an option it is a requirement.

Do you know that you have a great chance of succeeding at whatever it is you want to do in your life? Whatever it is you want to happen in your life it is your time to break through fear and go for it. Refuse to let fear rob you of your dreams and your destiny. Let your faith rise higher than your fear and expect to succeed in an amazing way!

Dr. Shauntel Peak-Jimenez, Ph.D. is the founder of The Character and Self-Esteem (CASE) Institute, where she provides life coach training and certification programs to individuals to help them discover their purpose, and transform their purpose into profit.

To find out about becoming a coach please visit
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