Are You Offended?

Entering the Christian arena, one is immediately met with scenarios that will both bless and confuse the minds of the faithful. One area that defies spiritual reasoning is the number of people that are offended by different circumstances. It is amazing how many thin skinned Believers there are. The teaching of turning one's cheek has evolved into an invitation of presenting a verbal response. When one is offended by another, the recipient turns his cheek just enough so that his mouth faces the offender or anyone who will listen. Turning the cheek is to be a one hundred eighty, not a ninety, degree rotation. Why is it so easy to become offended?

Sometimes the words and actions of the offender are greatly exaggerated. It is like people are looking for ways to be offended. It is like people are looking for reasons to justify their lack of commitment. Some of the offended show their pride by not attending church regularly. Soon, by promoting the negative, they feel justified in dropping out of church completely. Complimenting their massaged ego, their Bible and prayer life wanes away into a residence of their memory bank. These self-imposed exiled still claim to believe in God and the Scriptures, but the evidence of their profession is difficult to see.

Why is it when we have been offended or feel that we have, we take it out on our relationship with God? Why is it that we take more seriously the words of people than the Word of God? How can what people say have more influence than what God says? How can the actions of other Christians supersede God's reaction to our obedience? Why do we give so much attention to the negative words of our brothers and sisters, and so little attention to the positive words of our Lord? How can we be so swayed by the careless words of others, while unmoved by the anointed words of Jesus? Why do so many judge their faith by the actions of other Believers? If our faith is predicated on the Word of God, then we need to be a walking example of that Word. Either God's Word is true, or it is simply a history book. The answer will determine if our faith is real or not.

Our spiritual walk should never be contingent on the actions of others. We should never allow circumstances to determine our spiritual barometer. Instead of fine tuning our hearing so we can pick up the negatives that are both implied and inferred, let us adjust our frequency to God's intended Word.

We must never be afraid of criticism. Let us ask ourselves if what they are saying is justified or not. If it is, let us correct ourselves and move on. If their words are unfounded, let us forgive them and move on.

Forgiveness is the greatest healing medicine for treating wounds that are caused by loose tongues. Whenever we let hurtful words supersede God's Word, we need to do a self examination and find out what has caused a resurrection of our carnal man.

If you have left a church due to being offended by people, whether they be the pastor or a teacher or a board member or just another believer, ask yourself, "Am I better off today than I was before I got my feelings hurt?" If the answer is no, we need to "Christian up" and get back to corporate worship and give God the glory for the things He has done and is doing. Have you been offended? How you respond will determine the type of Christian life that you will live. You can either forgive and forget or respond and remember. It is a no brainer!

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Informations From: Taun17

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