There are an array of benefits to obtaining random drug testing on your employees. It is an affordable means of finding out whether your employees are following the rules or not. Scheduling drug testing in the workplace may be easier than you think, and it can be done at random.
Keep Employees Honest
You want to do everything you can keep your employees honest. Otherwise, you are going to run into problems where employees think that they can get away with anything. You never know what kinds of drugs people could be on, which is why it is important to test them. More importantly, it is important to do so randomly so that employees can never guess as to when they are going to be called for a test.
If you maintain a constant schedule like clockwork, people will know exactly when they need to stop using so that they have it out of their system. They will be able to pass the test, and you will never get accurate results. This can be problematic throughout your business.
Enhance Workplace Safety
When you take advantage of random drug testing, you have the ability to enhance safety at the workplace. Various drugs have various side effects, and can be extremely dangerous. People may not have the fastest reflexes, which can be a problem if they are out on the road or operating heavy equipment. They may experience blurred vision, hot sweats, hallucinations, and much more.
Even with some of the more recreational drugs that are out there, it can result in reduced productivity. This can also cause accidents because people are not going to be paying close attention to what they are doing.
When safety issue start to rise, you are going to have more injuries. This is going to start costing you money, and the cost of your workers compensation is likely going to increase dramatically as well.
Improve Morale
Employee morale is not something you ever want to see drop. When morale drops, can be difficult to get it back up. It affects your entire culture, and impacts the decision as to whether employees want to continue working for you or not. Random drug testing can be a great way to boost morale, especially for those who don't do drugs. They don't want to work with people who are abusing the system, not being productive, and who are breaking the law.
Your employees you don't do drugs are likely looking at the ones who do and getting upset with you as a business. The random drug testing can be the ultimate morale booster because those who are on drugs are likely to test positive, and be forced to find a new job.
Adhere to Regulations
There are many industries where it is strictly forbidden for employees to be under the use of drugs. Through the use of random drug testing, you can make sure that employees are not using. This will allow you to remain compliant with all of the various regulations.