"And if any man say ought unto you, ye shall say, The Lord hath need of them; and straightway he will send them... "Go to the village ahead of you," He told them, "and at once you will find a donkey tied there, with her colt beside her. Untie them and bring them to Me." (Matthew 21:3)
As a means of transportation for His triumphant entry into Jerusalem, His Royal Highness chose a donkey and a colt to serve Him. Jesus disciples were instructed to say, "The Lord has need of them." How incredible that the King of kings would use such lowly means to accomplish His purpose.
The day prior to writing this, I was asleep, and I heard an audible voice say, "The Lord has need of you." Again, the still small voice echoed, "I have need of you." I woke up and begin smiling, knowing that my Heavenly Father had responded to my reasoning with Him the day beforehand about the assurance of His calling to a weighty assignment I was asked to undertake. The Holy Spirit simply yet profoundly deposited reassurance for the journey ahead. He reassured me it was indeed His will for me to carry out His assignment. - "I have need of you."
WOW! Think about it! The Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent Lord, who has created all things and sustains them by His Word, the One who is not dependent on any creature has need of me to carry out His eternal plans. Throughout the years I have learned that the Lord is not ambiguous. He is meticulous and precise when He commissions us to a task. He wants your willing heart, and He will do the rest.
Have you ever felt that you disappointed God to such an extent that He could never use you again? You may have construed that you do not have the capability needed to make an impact like God wants, or you may just feel useless. Well, God has chosen you! His desire and promise is to use you as a skillful instrument to fashion His Eternal Kingdom! He will use you at your weakest moment of insignificance, when you feel like a failure, and like a nobody going nowhere. God is a God of unlimited second chances. He is willing and ready to restore you to your ordained position.
Reflect on Jonah. He had an encounter with God, but chose to run. He had a future, but chose to reject it. He paid a costly price for resisting God and going his own way. He spent three nights in the belly of a giant fish. Yet in Jonah 3:1, "the word of the LORD came to Jonah the second time," commanding him to go to the great city of Nineveh and to proclaim the message God gave him. God offered Jonah a second chance. He restored Jonah's commission.
Likewise, He is willing to restore all that was stolen in your life. If in this season of your life you feel unimportant-like a nobody going nowhere, I suggest you cast down any wrong perceptions of yourself, and allow the Holy Spirit to turn on or rekindle His light in your soul.
2 Corinthians 10:5 command that you, "Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;" In other words, dismantle and shred to pieces every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God's truth, and what He says upright about who you are in Him. Take action! Meditate on the Scriptures to smash warped ideas and to tear down barriers erected in your mind. The Word of God is a powerful tool you would use to besiege damaging thoughts, passions, and impulses, and to transform your old thought pattern into the structure of life shaped by Christ.
Throughout the scriptures we see God in the business of restoring many things, the lost wasted years (Joel 2:25); the joy of salvation (Psalm 51:12); life (Ruth 4:15); spiritual walk (Galatians 6:1); health (Jeremiah 30:17); the rain (1 Kings 18); relationship with the Father (Luke 16); lost wages (2 Kings 8); and the damaged soul (Psalm 23:3) to name a few. God is a Restorer! Commune with Him heart-to-heart and spirit-to-spirit, and allow Him to transform and restore you. Allow Him to pour light into your soul. Pray and ask Him to give you a perspective of Himself, how He see you, and your circumstances. Open the understanding of your eyes, ears, heart, and cooperate with God's plan for you! He will show you the expected end. He will demonstrate to you that you're not insignificant, but you have a purpose. You are going somewhere!
I pray the eyes of your heart be flooded with the light of the Holy Spirit, so that you will know with confidence that He has called you, and the riches of His glorious inheritance. (Paraphrased, Ephesians 1:18-23). I pray you will be physically and spiritually renewed as you draw near to Him.
You are blessed and highly favored! You may be small in your own eyes, but like Jonah, God has need of you! If He can use a colt, which you exceed in value and worth, He is more than able and willing to use you! What is your assignment? The Lord has need of you!
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