When you are considering your surgical hair transplant options,
there are many technological innovations that you should discuss
with your hair transplant surgical team. One incredibly
innovative option is the Neograft Hair Transplant System.
Neograft Hair Transplants are the latest in a long line of
robotic hair transplant methods. The Neograft Hair robot uses
the latest in robotic innovation to perform a transplant that is
nearly painless, entirely scarless, and requires no surgical
incisions of any type.
Who Uses Neograft Hair?
Plastic surgeons who would like to use the Neograft Hair
Transplant machines are able to take a number of certification
courses that will guarantee that they are able to safely and
effectively use the machine. The Neograft Hair Machine is a tool
like any other and it requires a trained surgical team to be
used effectively. Still, this innovative piece of machinery
makes the follicular unit extraction process easy and nearly
Why Should You Choose the Neograft Hair Transplant System?
The Neograft Hair Transplant Robot is one of the only systems
that can guarantee you a surgical transplant without any
incisions, through the Neograft Hair Transplant System.
Everything is laser guided and can be performed as an outpatient
procedure. In fact, most patients report that they were able to
return to work the very next day! Because there are no surgical
incisions, there is virtually no risk of scarring.
Beyond the obvious benefits of a scarless procedure, Neograft is
also able to provide a greater percentage of success when it
comes to harvesting follicles. In the past, it was common to
expect a huge number of harvested follicles to die during the
transplantation process. With this system, more hair follicles
will survive the transplantation process, which means that your
successful hair restoration will require a smaller number of
harvest follicles.
[Neograft Hair]
If you are considering surgical hair restoration, or Neograft
cost you deserve to have a Neograft Hair Restoration. Contact
your Anagen Hair today! They will schedule you for an initial
consultation where you can discuss how this remarkable surgical
system will change your life and head of hair.
During an initial consultation with your surgeon about the Artas
Hair Transplant Procedure, you and they will determine the best
hairline design for you. It is important to your surgeon that
your hairline look as natural as possible after the robot hair
transplant, while also complementing your facial features.
After the initial consultation, you will schedule your
appointment for the Artas Hair Transplant. During the procedure,
the hair at the donor area will be trimmed down so that Artas’
digital mapping system will be able to accurately map the
location of your hair follicles for harvesting.
The hair follicles harvested by the Robot Hair Transplant System
are then grafted onto the portion of your scalp that has been
determined by your surgeon.
Within one week, all swelling from the robot hair transplant
will be gone and your new hair follicles will begin growing as
normal. Patients who have received Artas Hair Restoration report
seeing improvements to the look and feel of their hair after
just six months. Nine months after the procedure, you can expect
to see a full head of hair that will last for the rest of your
life. Because it is your own hair, you can cut and style it
however you like and it will grow normally after the Artas Hair
Transplant Procedure.
Hair loss is something that no man wants to have to deal with,
but ignoring the surgical options, like the Artas Robotic Hair
Restoration System, is a mistake. This scarless, virtually
painless procedure is a viable option for any man experiencing
hair loss. Consult Anagen Hair today regarding the Artas hair
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