Deuteronomy 7:1-11
Being elect is truly a privilege. For example, being a favorite student, favorite employee, or favorite child. The Bible states that believers are elect. What does it mean to be God's elect?
The Israelites were chosen by God not because of their existence (7), but because God Himself remembered His covenant (8-9). It is God Himself who will bring His people to enter the promised land and dispel more and stronger nations (1). God had chosen the Israelites as His people.
The nation of Israel was chosen to be a holy people. The word "holy" means the separation of the people from the world for God. Being separated does not indicate that the people become an exclusive group. However, the lives of God's people no longer follow the way of life of nations that do not know God.
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For this reason, God's people must maintain the purity of their faith. Therefore, God's people must crush nations that do not know God and do not marry into foreign nations (1-3). They must also remove all the centers of worship of those nations (5). Thus, God's people will live in constant worship of God and not be tainted.
Today, believers are chosen and saved to become a holy people in the midst of this world. Today we are no longer crushing nations like God's people in the Old Testament, but in principle we should maintain the purity of faith and not follow this world. We are not an exclusive people who do not want to be involved in society, but rather engage in society by showing a different life, which is to live holy and not to follow the ways of a world tainted by sin.
As people who are called to live a holy life, we must always maintain the sanctity of life through our daily attitudes, words, and deeds. Remember, we are a holy people!
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"The Holy People"
Daily Devotional
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