The Best SEO Plugins For WordPress

WordPress is undoubtedly becoming the most popular hosting platform for various websites and blogs. It is quite likely that your website might be also be hosted on the WordPress platform. If it is, then you need to understand the feasible ways of effectively driving traffic towards your website or blog. In the fast-paced universe of online media, without traffic you don't exist.Various software developers have come up with a wide variety of top plugins for WordPress. Numerous plugins are free and some paid. These plugins will assist you in your mission to rank higher in search engines and also to spread the word on social media.

Being developers ourselves, people often come to us with the question of which plugins are good for WordPress SEO. So we decided to do write a short report on the popular SEO plugins for WordPress and list their assets. Moreover, you can also experiment with these plugins and during the scope of time, make a conclusion that which one is best suited to your website. In addition to this, it is imperative to discuss them(the plugins) with your WordPress developer and determine which ones they think better suits your WordPress website or blog.

While WordPress provides a SEO friendly setup right out the box, there are still many settings that you can do to enhance your SEO such as adding meta tags, generating XML sitemap, avoiding duplicate content, etc. A plugin eases the need of individual tweaking or optimization of those settings.

Without further adieu, here's the Top SEO plugins that will boost your SEO and uplift your rankings among your competitions across search engines.

1. Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO WordPress plugin, formerly known as 'WordPress SEO by Yoast', is one of the best free SEO plugins for WordPress. This single plugin takes care of many prospects of your WordPress blog’s SEO. Using SEO by Yoast you can Easily tweak your WordPress website with one plugin with Real time content analysis functionality and many more features to streamline your website or blog.

2. Google Keyword Planne

The Google Keyword Planner is intimate to those of you, who spend a accustomed on using Google Adwords. It is actually a workshop for forming new Search campaigns or developing existing networks. Adopting this plugin, you can search for your desired keyword and ad group your plans on it, get similar statistics, analyze performance of keywords and even construct a new keyword list by multiplying several lists of keywords together.

Google Keyword Planner is completely free of cost and also help you decide competitive bids and budgets to apply with your campaigns. Applying this plugin, you can get your own keyword plans from the world’s largest engine, Google itself.

This free tool is offered to Google’s advertisers for free and anyone can use it. It’s main objective is to expose advertisers to the keywords they can bid on for their advertising campaigns. It also helps advertisers choose the apt keywords by showing them an estimate of search volume along with results count, and the level of competition.

3. Open Site Explore

The Open Site Explorer from MOZ Pro is one of the finest SEO tools developed by MOZ Pro. This total free tool favors you to check data for any domain name and to analyze your site. Using this plugin, you can see who is linking to any domain and what relevant anchor texts they are using. In addition, Open Site Explorer provides statistics like top pages, linking domains, which pages are linked on your site, etc.

The trial verison is free for 30 Days and has its daily search limits. But, to reach the full potential and the best performance of this tool, you would need a paid Moz Pro Subscription which also gets you access to their other tools.

4. All in One SEO Pack

One of the popular downloads in the WordPress plugin category. Launched in 2007, it has become an essential plugin for any WordPress website. The All in One SEO Pack plugin automatically optimizes your WordPress website or blog for SEO (Search Engine Optimization). It is a complete package of all SEO related solutions to your WordPress website.

You can even disable All in One SEO for a particular post or page, but we’re not sure why you would want to do that.


Finally, the WordPress plugin for SEO which is also tailored for non-SEOs as well.Get Excellent Seo with Better Content, Ranking and Analytics. For Both Humans and Search Bots. Squirrly gives you SEO advice as you are typing your blog contents. It helps you in real time to optimize and archive your 100% proficient articles in your WordPress site.

Used by various SEO experts, this Plugin assists you to find keyword that your website visitors, use to reach your website from their search query result. Squirrly’s Keyword Research and Analysis tool helps you discover keywords that are trending, that people search for, and consequently, that will ultimately get you found online.

Squirrly tracks all the measures of your Content Management strategies like, blogging keywords, SEO, traffic and social signals. This plugin simply monitors your improvement and progress time by time say per week. This WordPress plugin helps to analyze even a single article and reviews it improvement over time.

In conclusion, Squirrly SEO helps you write content that is SEO friendly and also Human friendly. You will get to improve your rankings, while providing your readers with great content. See Your SEO Stats, get a weekly SEO Audit and find the best keywords.

About the Author: For the entire list of the Best SEO Plugins for WordPress, navigate to :


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