Downshifting Your Way To A Happier, Simpler, Stress-Free Life

Are you cranky, stressed out and unhappy with your everyday life? If so, maybe you should seriously consider downshifting your way to a happier, simpler, stress-free life!

Have you reached a cross-road and find yourself questioning what it actually means to be alive? What if I was to suggest that everything you are working for in your life is counter-intuitive and possibly even destructive to your well-being?

Life, for most, consists of an overriding drive, installed in us from childhood, confirmed during our education, reinforced daily whenever we turn on any form of media, and that is to accumulate wealth!

You may have a list of things you want to achieve and possess, but isn't your real goal to be happy, and for your family to be happy? I can almost guarantee it is. You are told happiness is all about the material acquisition, and the path to happiness is obtaining the next shiny object or objective that you feel will increase your credibility, your status and your pecking order.

But what's the point? Are you prepared to work until you drop? Consider your end goals. Have you maybe started to detect the ways you are being manipulated and maybe you want off the crazy train? Of course, there are financial obligations that we all need to pay attention to but we just need to find a balance point where they are beneficial to our lives.

Part of the reason why we cling so tightly to the idea that we are supposed to constantly be making more and more money is that we become indoctrinated with the consumer philosophy from an early age. Money equals success.

Consider what we learn in school; most people believe their first goal in life is to work towards providing a comfortable roof over their head. But as soon as you get that house, you start thinking about the next house, a bigger house, a better house.

The goalposts always move, so no matter how much you obtain and possess, no matter how many materialistic shiny things you horde, you know from the start you will still die unfulfilled wishing you had more. This is the great race. It is a race to your grave that guarantees disappointment if you take part.

Hopefully, you realize that opting out of the great race is the best thing you can do as it gives you a chance to achieve contentment, peace, a stress-free life, a life where you have all that you truly need. That doesn't mean you have everything you are currently dreaming of, it means you'll have the quality of life things; things that actually matter to you and the time to spend with the people most precious to you.

The alternative to the great race is downshifting and really embracing your life. Once you seriously start thinking about who you are, and what you stand for, you can finally begin to start creating a life that you want to live. This may not be a life that others would choose for you but that's the point, it's your life, not their life.

Discover how you can Downshift Your Way To A Happier, Simpler, Stress-Free Life and quickly learn to make every moment count by focusing on what really matters. Achieve a simpler, lower stress life where you can work less and spend more time doing the things that you want to do. Find out more by visiting our website

 By Phil Good

Article Source: Downshifting Your Way To A Happier, Simpler, Stress-Free Life

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