No Cause to Blush

Fear not; for thou shalt not be ashamed. (Isaiah 54.4)

We shall not be ashamed of our faith. Carping critics may assail the Scriptures upon
which we ground our belief, but every year the Lord will make it more and more clear
that in His Book there is no error, no excess, and no omission. It is no discredit
to be a simple believer; the faith which looks alone to Jesus is a crown of honor on
any man’s head and better than a star on his breast.

We shall not be ashamed of our hope. It shall be even as the Lord has said. We shall
be fed, led, blest, and rested. Our Lord will come, and then the days of our
mourning shall be ended. How we shall glory in the Lord who first gave us lively
hope and then gave us that which we hoped for!

We shall not be ashamed of our love. Jesus is to us the altogether lovely, and
never, never, shall we have to blush because we have yielded our hearts to Him. The
sight of our glorious Well-beloved will justify the most enthusiastic attachment to
Him. None will blame the martyrs for dying for Him. When the enemies of Christ are
clothed with everlasting contempt, the lovers of Jesus shall find themselves honored
by all holy beings, because they chose the reproach of Christ rather than the
treasures of Egypt.

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