Signs Your Spouse Is Having An Affair And Not In Love Anymore

By James Nussbaumer

As I 'd stated in previous sessions, but in a different way, I've known of this problem rather common for younger couples who still have more maturing about the life they want to live.

Typically one reports, "falling out of love" and is truly disrupted by this shift, where he/she wants to "recapture" those sensations.

The Course in Miracles teaches that, "For the relationship has not yet been changed sufficiently to make its former goal completely without attraction, and its structure is 'threatened' by the recognition of its inappropriateness for meeting its new purpose."

This individual has discovered a "loved one" who has actually exposed some dormant sensations and this individual once again feels a 'turn on' they never had before.

They are determined not to live life to the fullest, which indicates, naturally, feeling the love.

Here are some more relationship tips for these kinds of marital issues:

Sadly, our culture (movies, songs, romance books, soap operas, love, sitcoms) teaches us that this is how it's expected to be:

" Falling in love" is exciting and the implication being, that if it does not happen or if it goes away, then there is a problem.

- A great relationship should grow and build.

The person who was driven to find "that loving sensation through infidelity" typically experiences a high degree of regret, conflict and remorse.

He or she is frequently wed to a "great" person and the desire to "find that caring feeling" seems self-centered (which it is) and immature (which it is).

Falling out of love usually takes place when the fantasy seeker finds that fantasy is not real.

Is Healing the Relationship Possible?

   Previously I discussed some of the free information on net about the possibility of rekindling the old love and healing the relationship.

His love for fun and spontaneity, which drew her at first to him, ends up being irresponsibility.

The person "trying to find love" is actually looking for the perfect, somebody out there, who will offer words to him/her that he/she is fine and that everything is OKAY.

This person needs to be loved, or think another needs and wants him/her, since there is an absence of true power within and strong real spirit.

Sexual activity may undoubtedly END the relationship or at least move it to the point where the fantasy seeker becomes, again, realizing there is no fantasy.

This type of affair typically takes place when there is a "lull" in the marriage relationship.

The responsibility to commitment of family, a career not going so well, problems with the children, paying bills, and so on become the focal point for the distracted couple.

Romance ends up being a foreign word.

Be certain to talk to someone who is a professional and take good care of yourself if you are seeing signs of an affair in your spouse.

You can not be the other person, so you can not own his/her feelings and the actions taken leading to infidelity in marriage.

For you to begin surviving an affair means realizing that her/his affair proves far less about you and rather a ton more on the loneliness and emptiness within her/him.

You will want to be a proven display for him/her on what it implies to be an individual with an inner core, with stability, with commitment and reliability and with values, with meaning, with purpose and actively figure out what your requirements are, and get them met.

Remember, the individual "looking for love in all the wrong places," is actually looking for the perfect, somebody, out there, who will say things to him/her that satisfy, whether from the heart or not.

( Please note I also suggest seeking the web for further helpful content on healing from an affair and perhaps mending the relationship if at all possible, or healing to move on in life. )

To success in life and love!

You can find related info on topics like, 'infidelity in marriage and surviving an affair: Is leaving a relationship the answer, or should you stay?', and so much more:

The link above gives you access to further helpful material and for folks who are interested in letting go of the past and moving on in life to attaining Real Abundance, Purpose, and Wellness in their lives.

Hi, I'm James Nussbaumer, I'd like to introduce myself through my thought provoking self-improvement and inspirational books, articles, videos, Podcast, and other content for a better life, where I reflect on the principles of A Course in Miracles. It's about being all you can be and a life of success and happiness. Thank you for visiting.


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