By Uche Mbah
Once again, there has been an avalanche of doomsday predictions on the fate of our globe in relation to the war to end all wars. Many quote renowned prophets of yore, like, for example,Michelle Nostradamus, Mother Shipton, Baba Vanga, etc, to buttress the point that we are indeed at the end times. Interpretations of the Bible suddenly has become an all comers affair, with everyone trying to outdo every other person in the interpretations of the books of Daniel and Revelations. These people waste precious energy because, not having all the back-ground facts, base their interpretations on part-information, and therefore can never come out accurate.
Only one book can give you all the insight you need, replacing every pointer that lack of understanding and wrong interpretations has wrought: The book In The Light Of Truth The Grail Message by Abd-ru-shin. With this, it will be easy to replace the misplaced signposts and in clear and simple terms, and the issue laid down in clear perspectives.
So is it with the issue of prophecy. Prophecies are a product of the law of sowing and reaping. As at the time a prophet is prophesying, what he is seeing is that point in time. It's like a man is walking along a road and asked where the road leads. A prophet will give him an answer where he will be at a particular time if he follows the same path and walks at a given speed. If he perchance changes direction the prophecies will end up as wrong because he will end up somewhere else.
But the world has fairly followed the same road to perdition that most prophets are bound to be vindicated in their prophecies. With only a few human beings struggling to change the tide of things, it becomes inevitable that many of the prophecies by these gifted ones may finally come to pass.
Thus it is with the end time prophecies, particularly the prophecies of the Third World War. As it is, the efforts of quite an insignificant few-insignificant because they are a minute part of world population-to steer the world out of war may only soften the blow of the war but not prevent it entirely. But if the efforts of these few were to be intensified, they may have an appreciable effect in ameliorating the effect. This is because, contrary to the generally acclaimed notion that the majority vote carries wight in a people's destiny, it is actually the STRONGEST PART of a group that drives action. That is why the violent and more vocal minority are shaping the fate of the world today. Check out the details: The LGBT movement are spearheaded by a few, yet they are more vocal because they are backed by the powers that be. Democracy itself is driven by the few who are called king makers, and either sway the majority opinion or impose their own will and claim it to be the majority opinion.
As things stand today, the kennel of World War Three may become reality, but not as a war of total annihilation, a war to end the world as we know it. This is because there is currently a far, far stronger radiation that affects our thoughts that is stronger than the human will. This radiation grows stronger everyday, and will certainly manifest physically through its source in the sky. This, in radiation terms, may be able to neutralize most of the evil annihilating tendencies of world leaders. One or two missiles may fly, and Islamic dominance may rapidly come to fruition-only to be destroyed at the peak of its success.
Article Source: Are We on the Brink of WW3?