The Powerful 80/20 Principle
The first vital tip is to master the amazing 80/20 principle. This principle basically states that 80% of your success will come from 20% of your activities. Because of this, it is essential that you spend 80% of your workday working on your most important tasks.
If you are running an internet marketing business, most of your day should be spent on traffic generation. This is the most important activity for generating sales. If you are not generating traffic, your online business will suffer an unfortunate early death.
If you are in the network marketing industry, you need to be spending the majority of your workday prospecting, making phone calls, giving sales presentations, etc. If you focus on any other activities, you are not going to be creating the recruiting and sales explosions you seek.
Use Technology To Set Reminders
The second tip is to use the power of technology to set reminders for your most important tasks. Mobile devices and computers have allowed business owners to become much more efficient because of these reminders.
So, instead of going back and forth checking what you have to do next, your device will give you an alert, notifying you that it's time to move on to a new task. This is going to give you mental clarity and will allow you to become laser focused on what you need to accomplish.
Create Balance In Your Life
The third tip is to create balance in your life by setting up different categories for the tasks you need to complete. Life is not just about business, so it is important that you organize your tasks into these type of categories: Your "Business" category, your "Family" category, your "Personal" category, your "Physical Fitness" category, and your "Spiritual Life" category.
It doesn't have to be this exact order, but the point is that, if you want to live a fulfilling life, you need to become a well-rounded individual. There are many horror stories of individuals who have destroyed their family life because they have become unhealthily obsessed with accumulating wealth. You want to avoid this at all cost.
Learn To Delegate
The fourth and final tip is to learn to delegate. You, like the rest of us, only have 24 hours in your day, so you are limited when it comes to getting every task done. Therefore, you need to delegate your less profitable activities to others.
For example, there is no doubt that, in today's marketing climate, content generation is very important, but you don't want to be spending all day doing this and neglecting the most important task, which is traffic generation.
If you are having trouble coming up with new content, you can hire someone to do it for you. This is powerful because it will free you to work on driving more traffic to your site, which in turn will drive up your sales to the level you desire. You also want to apply these concepts to other activities in your business.
In Conclusion
Becoming highly efficient in your business requires a high level of self-discipline, and to acquire this high level of self-discipline it is going to take some time and effort from your part. However, if you fully commit to this vital process, you will eventually create the entrepreneurial lifestyle you have always dreamed of creating.
Alexander Marquez is an online entrepreneur and expert in success who will help you reach success in your network marketing or internet marketing business. Visit his blog at AlexanderMarquez.Net to discover powerful success principles that will take you to the top. Also, download his FREE E-Books to discover the secrets of his success. Act now before it's too late.
By Alexander Marquez
Article Source: The Art Of Maximum Efficiency (Producing Quantum Growth Through The Power Of Self Discipline)