Suggestions for a More Organized and Productive Year

It's the start of another year and an attempt to stick with our chosen new year resolutions. Many of us end up not following through but some are determined to make their resolutions a reality. This year, just after midnight, I sat down and came up with a very long list of 2017 resolutions. Some are simple things but others are personally challenging. For example, I am in the process of starting an in-home pet care business. I have been in the planning stages for several years but I've been afraid to actually put my ideas out there and finally start my business. At the top of my 2017 resolutions list is to start and grow my business. Over the last year I realized that my daily habits, or lack-there-of, was the main reason I wasn't making my business happen. I'm really good at making lists of things I need to do and I am very aware of all the steps I need to take to make everything happen, I just haven't been as organized or productive as I need to be.

Based on my personal life, here are some of my suggestions for creating a more organized and productive lifestyle. Instead of sleeping in on your days off, wake up and get ready as if you were going to work. Once you are awake and ready spend an hour or more working on completing tasks that need to be done, such as, clean or organize a room or space in your house or garage, plan out the coming weeks meals or even pre-prep meals, run errands that you may have been putting off, or work on projects for your work or business. Another suggestion to ensure you work on your to do list is to get a planner or calendar and actually schedule or plan out everything you need to do in the next weeks or months. This may mean that you write a task for a certain day, schedule the task for a certain time or plan out the order of everything you need to complete on a certain day.

These are not huge life changes but they will make a huge impact on your productivity. For me, making these things a habit for the past few months has allowed me to finally get my business to the point that my grand opening is in a few weeks. Had I not made these changes I may have continued to be in the planning phase for a few more years. Resolutions are very personal but I believe these suggestions can help anyone determined to follow through with their resolutions.

Kristen Gaul, RVT, VTS(ECC) is the founder of My Pet's Care, LLC and is an experienced Registered Veterinary Technician and a Veterinary Technician Specialist in Emergency and Critical Care. Kristen is also currently enrolled in the Masters of Entrepreneurship Degree Program at Western Carolina University. Webmasters and other article publishers are hereby granted article reproduction permission as long as the article in its entirety, author's information, and any links remain intact. Copyright 2016 by Kristen Gaul.

 By Kristen Gaul

Article Source: Suggestions for a More Organized and Productive Year

An Introduction of Yourself

"Tell me something about yourself", this question is very common still most unanswered or not responded clearly by an individual. It is truly said that no one can know you better than yourself but when it comes to describe yourself in front of others so that they may know you better why most of us are left with a blank option basically in an interview especially for the fresher's applying for their first job.

Way of introduction may be different from place to place or person to person. Introducing yourself in parties or meetings is far different way than introducing yourself in a job interview. You are more comfortable to introduce yourself in parties or meetings as there is an informal way to introduce yourself so, you successfully manage to do so as there is no chances of mistake but when it comes to any job interview then most of us start fumbling with our words especially when we start our introduction in "English". But it is necessary that one must be really careful and professional in their words and action while introducing oneself in professional interview.

Why does this awkward situation occurs in most of our lives? I may be either due to lack of confidence or due to lack of communication. It could be improved by you yourself. Speak to yourself daily about you, find a proper way to present yourself in front of others, take a note of different things which you would include while presenting yourself. Be concise with your introduction as no one will be interested in listening a story of yourself. Be calculative enough to choose the words which we are using to describe ourselves.Using positive words such as enthusiastic,innovative,creative,self motivated and so on which would help in enhancing your personality. But do not forget to include your drawbacks also. It is not mandatory to include all your drawbacks but yes it is good to include it with a positive outlook so that your drawback or weakness may not unveil your personality with a negative image. Present yourself with a skillful and expertise image so that all your weakness may get overlapped by strengths.

Confidence and positive attitude is more than enough for a person to show his/her impressive personality. Greeting someone with a positive attitude will leave a positive impression of oneself on the other no matter what. Build up your personality by yourself or by getting trained via different personality development training classes and achieve success in every field you want.

 By Ankita Singh

Article Source: An Introduction of Yourself

What Is Bhakti Yoga?

Yoga is that which connects. The process of connecting the Soul to the Divine in a proper bond is called Yoga. Bhakti represents the path of pure devotion.

Jnana yoga is knowing about the Divine through knowledge. Karma Yoga is the process of performing activity. Bhakti yoga is the process of falling in love with the Divine.

We can understand this by a small mundane example. Whenever a person likes someone there are a few steps the person follows. Firstly one wants to know more about the person. Secondly the person thinks about the beloved and would then like to please the beloved. Similarly in the spiritual realm too, knowing the Divine through knowledge is Jnana Yoga. Thinking about the divine is Dhyaan Yoga and serving the Lord through service is Karma Yoga.

Bhakti means Devotion and Yoga is Joining or Union. So we join to the self within through the process of devotion.

Bhakti Yoga is the yoga of Devotion. It is the practice of having a personal relationship with the Supreme Absolute. It is a deep yearning to experience love in its purest and highest form, to unite with that which is eternal and unchanging.

The Bhakti Sutras explain that bhakti yoga is both the means and the end: It is the way to cultivate and deepen devotion, and is union with the Divine-the ultimate goal.

The path of bhakti yoga allows us to use all of our senses, all of our emotions, and all of our actions to express love in our daily interactions and offer them to whatever form of God suits our individual personalities and cultural upbringing, whether it be Krishna, Christ, Allah, Yahweh, Hanuman, the Divine Mother, or some other aspect.

It is having the courage to face ourselves at the deepest levels of our being, and offer everything we are to the Divine, both the good and the bad, without holding anything back. And it is the complete dedication and surrender of everything we do in our daily lives as acts of worship.

The timeless path of divine love is as alive and relevant today as it was in the days of the ancient sages. Through this path, we can transform our everyday life from the mundane to the sacred, from the trivial to the profound. By cultivating the principles of love, compassion, gratitude, surrender, and selfless service, we can prepare our hearts and minds to receive the grace of unconditional love and wisdom. Then we become the instruments of the Divine, and everything we do is an expression of love and devotion. Our lives become a joyful celebration

Learn more about Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga through Bhagavad Gita commentary by Art of Living.

 By Yogendra Pradeep

Article Source: What Is Bhakti Yoga?

The Great Masters of Fake News

Human progress and the establishment on which we rely are mostly based on the work of those who engage in deceit and fake news. Religions play the greatest role and over the last 2,000 plus years they have created the World Order. Every individual has a role in this because beliefs are systemic throughout societies. Organisations based on them dominate governments, the law, and the military.

What goes into the mind by the age of seven is not only extremely hard to overturn but sets the goal of the individual for life. Work patterns, social interchange, and human resources are all controlled by what the parents and teachers drive into them.

So what is fake news? According to Wikipedia sites that engage in it are responsible for hoaxes, propaganda and of course, 'disinformation purporting to be real news.'

It can be taken further, however, as the belief systems also fall into this category. Only those with inner knowledge are able to remove the fiction and get to the underlying facts. For the majority this is impossible as the smoke screens and legal barriers are too strong and too big to navigate.

The Spirit of the Universe, however, is removing the latter so that light shines through the darkness. As it is the Great Creator it's responsible for man's blindness and the institutions on which he depends. It also made our minds to work in such a way that governments may control them.

While the majority don't believe in such a thing their ignorance and denial of the facts are largely responsible for their reasoning. Globally we see a movement of people away from the traditions as they engage in something unique. They talk to and with the Spirit.

This fact is also hidden from the majority who are not meant to hear or understand it. They ridicule and target anyone who claims a connection to the Universal Spirit. The religious organisations have banned it as being 'from the devil.' They also banned reincarnation.

It is because of my memory of reincarnation and a vision given to me between lives that has enabled me to speak out and condemn them as the great masters of fake news. Their goal is to trick people into believing in their propaganda, such as the existence of heaven and hell. Their great hoaxes are the so-called prophets or 'Sons of God' who supposedly came from heaven to teach man God's ways.

As we rapidly approach Easter and the celebration of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, on which Christianity is based, it is timely for those who engage in the festival to wake up to the origin of it.

The economic and social structures that make up civilisation is so grossly misled and enhanced by disinformation that we are killing the planet. Our only source of life is dying beneath our feet and the air we breath is now so polluted that many horrible diseases spring from it and yet the fake news broadcasters and masters of it remain in business.

With the world in turmoil and the approaching end of life on this planet how could the Spirit of the Universe speak to us without the Internet and modern communication systems? My role in this is to unravel the fake news of our systems and demonstrate its origin.

 By Norma Holt

Article Source: The Great Masters of Fake News

Message From the Universe: Forgetting How to Live

"Isn't it odd? Of all the people in all the world who are starting to "get it," how few actually give it to themselves.

I think it's because they simply forget to live it.

"Oh, yeah, I'm supernatural!"

Live it TODAY!
The Universe"

If you have read or listen to the Secret from Rhonda Byrne and have studied the principles provided in the book, you will understand the above quote from the Universe. Once you "Get it", it will be easy to process the information from your thoughts and start applying changes in your life. Getting it means understand and listen to your inner voice, to your gut feeling about what is presently going on in your life. We always tend to second guess what that voice is telling us, why is it directing us in that path, why is this solution so easy, there must be something wrong. Well, there is NOTHING wrong really, just the fact that you do not believe in yourself enough to give yourself credit based on your existing experience. Your knowledge base increases as you gain life experience. There is no doubting, no questioning, no wondering as to why you should take that path instead of the other. Your subconscious knows better so just listen to it.

Once you have mastered the "getting it" phase, you will perceive things differently. You will learn how to think better, how to stop second guessing yourself, how to NOT hesitate when needing to make decisions in life. You will feel confident that every decision you make is the right one, but also assume all responsibilities of your decisions in case it doesn't go the way you expected. If things go wrong, it is not because your inner voice or gut feeling was wrong, it is because external factors appeared at times where your inner voice wasn't able to anticipate changes which confused certain elements in your thought processes. You were not in the wrong, the external elements were. I am not saying you should point fingers to other things that goes wrong in your life, but as long as you did everything you can to predict and anticipate things, you can't always avoid all obstacles coming right at you at warp speed. This is what makes life so interesting.

Dr Dan Amzallag, PhD, MBA, CLC

Author/Inspirational Speaker/Life Coach

Free Consultation: 301-325-1550


 By Daniel A Amzallag

Article Source: Message From the Universe: Forgetting How to Live

Run the Race

Grumble Alley sits adjacent to 'Barely Get Along Street.' It is the neighborhood of mediocrity whose inhabitants have long since given up on running the race of life; their crumpled dreams litter the sidewalks. Its boundaries and population are immense, stretching from the inner cities to the most distant suburbs. You may recognize those who reside there regardless of where you encounter them; they shuffle when they walk, their gaze averted to avoid eye contact. They wear a banner of hopelessness sporting a calling card that says, 'I gave up.'

Why do people drop out of the race of life, where did their excitement go, who stole their hopes and dreams? Do they even know? This race is a marathon, what matters most is that you run it with gusto. It requires a commitment to remaining in the game, the ability to find joy in the changing scenery and a willingness to press on even when quitting appears to be the only option. One must finish it with the same excitement they began with to be a champion.

Running a marathon provides a gamut of challenges that can become a part of the trip from broken shoestrings to a broken leg. All can cause you to fall, some can convince you to stop. To arrive at the finish line requires you to remain in the race, no matter what and to see the finish line as a mirage, always advancing forward to ensure greater advances on the road to the win. The finish line is where you establish it, the rewards where you are willing to accept the offering. You choose the prize.

If you have left the race and long ago given up hope it is time to rejoin your dream, or find a better one. Detours, breakdowns and breakups are scattered along the path, there to challenge you to grow stronger and more determined to finish with pride. You came equipped in this life to win the race; only your choices can move the finish line to a place where misery is your companion.

Letting go of the things you must have to maintain an impression, a friend or acceptance of anyone is required to move the finish line to the one champions cross. All of those things are bound with the fear of losing them and force you to draw your finish line far closer. Champions go the distance, they run for the roses, refusing to give up; they barely notice the reasons they can't win. Your fate is determined and delivered by where you draw the finish line. Run the race; go the distance.

To learn more about this author please visit To learn more about her available books, please visit or your favorite bookseller.

 By Alexa Keating

Article Source: Run the Race

Heavy Pot Smokers Found to Be Prone to Vomiting Syndrome

Legalization for medicinal use in 28 states and the District of Columbia has made marijuana the most sought after prescription drug - used for both medical and recreational purposes - in the United States. However, the legalization of cannabis gave way to a series of arguments revolving around the association between legalization and the fear of marijuana addiction.

The 2016 Monitoring the Future (MTF) study highlighted the growing popularity of the drug among college students and teenagers in America. As per it, 38 percent of college students admitted to using marijuana a year prior to the study. Moreover, in recent years, there has been an increase, from 3.5 percent in 2007 to 5.9 percent in 2014, in the daily or regular use of marijuana among the college students. It is the highest level of daily use measured in the last 34 years, added the study.

It is known that a regular use of marijuana can lead to several side effects. Now, researchers from the University of Colorado have associated the drug with a rare illness that results in abdominal pain and vomiting. The disease is characterized by bouts of severe vomiting, without any apparent cause. Medically referred to as cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS), it is a rare disease that has a high occurrence rate in the states that have legalized the drug for medical and recreational purposes.

Marijuana causing vomiting syndrome

While the experts are clueless about the origin of the rare illness among marijuana users, a segment of the population believes that it may be because medical marijuana is stronger than those sold in streets for illicit use. Apparently, more and more young adults experienced recurrent episodes of vomiting and abdominal pain, soon after the drug was legalized in several U.S. states.

However, vomiting syndrome was first noticed in Australia in 2004, where use of medical marijuana was not bound by drug laws. Incidentally, the doctors in Australia noticed that heavy users of marijuana had bouts of vomiting and abdominal pain that repeated every few weeks or months and lasted for years.

Back then, while the authorities were worried about the growing numbers of patients, they also discovered that quitting marijuana did not prevent the recurrence of the symptoms. Interestingly, people experiencing the symptoms attained relief with a hot shower or bath or by taking intravenous (IV) fluid.

However, it is still unknown as to what causes marijuana users to develop this rare condition. As per the experts, a regular use of high-grade marijuana (for medical purposes) introduces changes in the regulatory system of gastrointestinal tract in the body, which further causes subsequent abdominal pain and vomiting. Since the syndrome is specifically found in users smoking marijuana regularly, experts are yet to explore the reasons why CHS is not prevalent in everyone who ingests the drug.

Leading a drug-free life is possible

Treatment options are available for those dependent on cannabis and they can successfully steer themselves out of any dependence and addiction. Seeking treatment in addiction rehab centers helps in getting rid of the withdrawal symptoms and ensures a smooth journey toward sobriety. With the presence in several cities across the U.S., the numerous addiction treatment centers of Sovereign Health have enabled thousands of patients to overcome their addiction to various legal or illegal substances, bringing them back to the path of sobriety. The comprehensive substance abuse treatment programs of Sovereign Addiction Services ensure that recovery is long-term for all patients. One must not delay the treatment to avoid things from going out of hand.

If you or a loved one is addicted to cannabis or any other substance, connect with a Sovereign representative at our 24/7 helpline number 855-683-9756 and understand about marijuana addiction treatment or other states. Our cost-effective marijuana rehab centers and highly successful programs can help patients tide over their addiction problem and regain life.

 By Susan Navarez

Article Source: Heavy Pot Smokers Found to Be Prone to Vomiting Syndrome

Several Addiction Treatment Methods

The first thing that you need to make an addicted person realize is that he or she is dependent on a particular thing. If the person becomes aware of that then only you will be easily able to help that person. You will find that there are several support groups that help a person and offer professional support in cases of addiction.

The treatment of addiction depends on several aspects. This is based on the type of substance the person is addicted to and the effects it has on the health. The treatments consist of outpatient and inpatient programs, psychotherapy, pairing up with the individual sponsors, self-help groups, and medication.

What Are The Addiction Treatment Programs?

The addiction treatments typically focus on becoming sober and prevent relapses. The programs may include individual group and family sessions. The patient is considered to be inpatient or outpatient depending on the patient's behavior, the level of addiction and the type of substance they are addicted to.


In the psychotherapy sessions, the patients might have to undergo one to one session or the family session with a psychological specialist. The psychologist will help the addicts with cravings for substance, avoiding them and dealing with the relapses. These are the important factors for reducing the effects of addiction. If the family members of the patient can be involved then it is expected that the outcomes would be a positive one.

Self-Help Groups

The self-help groups are the ones who help the patients meet with people who have faced the similar situations. This often helps in motivating the patients. They are also a good source of information and education.


The main objective of the treatments is to get the addictive substances out of the body. The quicker it is the better it will be for the patients. On the basis of the behavioral changes, some of the addicts are made to reduce their dosages gradually. This method is called tapering. Again in some cases, the patients are offered with an alternate to the addicted substance. But this is done considering several factors.

Depending on the conditions of the patients the doctors or the psychiatrists prescribe several kinds of medicines. So, if any of your known ones are suffering from addiction problems, consider taking them to a good addiction expert to get the necessary advice about the treatment process. This will help them to have a speedy recovery.

To know more about LA drug addiction treatment, please check our website.

 By Aman Tumukur Khanna

Article Source: Several Addiction Treatment Methods

Effective Ways of Relieving Yourself From Substance Abuse

Whether it is you or your loved one; facing an addiction of drug, painkiller or alcohol could have an adverse impact on anyone's life. If you have reached the dead end and now desperately want to come out of the awful habit of substance abuse, it is time to join a rehab. In these centers, they create and implement varied treatments, which enable an individual to get his/her life back on the track.

In the following discussion, I am going to explore how a rehab fabricates their treatment and enable an abuser to become a normal individual.

Identifying the Root Cause

Although there is a psychological and biological component with almost all of the addictions, the healing procedures often try to detect the underlining issues, which cause the deviations in one's behavior. At first, a person needs to understand that all sorts of compulsions are nothing but the byproducts of other much complicated problems. If you can identify the root and solve it, you would most surely get rid of the addictions too. In the rehabilitation centers, the competent professionals talk to you and try to find out the problems that actually forced you in the first place to enter the dark world of addiction. This kind of technique is noted for offering long-lasting and effectual results.

Get Ready for the Treatment

You need to very well accept that leaving an addiction is not a matter of one day. It takes time and patience. In this process, you are sure to relapse and you must not feel ashamed about it. Well, there is nothing wrong in falling if you decide to stand up every time. The foremost step is for you to realize that substance abuse is causing harm to your life and thus, you need to get rid of it anyhow. Say to yourself that you are ready. You can always take help from your near and dear ones, who would most certainly encourage you.

Go for Healthy Addictions

The rehabs allow you to trade the harmful addiction for a healthier one. Yes, you can surely do that. Whenever you feel the urge of indulging in the substance, engage yourself in other activities like exercises, work out, dancing, aerobics etc. Studies have shown that this tactic actually guarantees optimal results.

Abuse Treatment is Strenuous

Some people think that the entire healing treatment stands to be a rewarding experience. No, you are wrong. We are not in some kind of spa. The process is exhausting, which would compel the abusers to run away from it. But believe me, if you stick till the end, you are sure to get results that would be satisfactory.

To know more about Los Angeles alcohol abuse treatment, please check our website.

 By Aman Tumukur Khanna

Article Source: Effective Ways of Relieving Yourself From Substance Abuse

Anger: Does The Fear Of Losing Control Stop Some People From Getting Angry?

While human beings have the ability to experience a wide range of emotions, it doesn't mean that everyone feels comfortable doing so. As a result of this, there are going to be people who only allow themselves to experience certain emotions.

Two Parts

Yet, even if one does feel comfortable experiencing a certain emotion, it doesn't mean that other people will realise this. What this comes down to is that there are going to be the emotions that one allows themselves to experience, and then there will be the emotions that they feel comfortable expressing around others.

Now, this could mean that one has a good connection with what is taking place within them, and that they allow themselves to express how they feel around others. One is then not going to have the need to ignore how they feel, and neither will they need to hide how they feel from others.

Emotional Containment

As one is able to embrace how they feel, it is likely to show that that they have emotional strength. This then gives them the ability to be with how they feel without being overwhelmed by what is taking place within them.

If one didn't have this ability, then it would be a lot harder for them to be able to do this. In fact, there is a strong chance that it wouldn't happen, or if it did, it would be something that rarely takes place.

Emotional Expression

Through being able to contain what is taking place within them, it will be a lot easier for them to express how they feel. They will be able to talk about how they feel, as opposed to losing control of themselves.

What this will then show is that their mind and emotions are working together; with the former giving them the ability to talk about what is going on for them. However, this doesn't mean that one will simply open up to anyone.

The Right People

There are naturally going to be people who one will feel more comfortable opening up to. In general, this is likely to be their friends and family, for instance, and there could even be moments when they open up to strangers.

If one was to simply open up to anyone, they would be setting themselves up to experience unnecessary problems. But even when one doesn't open up about how they feel, how they feel can still have an effect on their behaviour.


For example, one might find that they feel anxious, and this could be because they have an exam coming up. This could then cause them to look into if they are fully prepared for what will soon take place.

Thus, through feeling this way, it will remind them of what they need to do before their exam. If they didn't feel this way, it could cause them to overlook what needs to be done, and one might then fail their exam.


Alternatively, one might find that they feel guilty, and this could mean that they have done something wrong. What this could show is that one forgot to do something, or perhaps they were unable to meet their partner for a meal that had been planned.

Therefore, through feeling guilty, it will allow them to do something about what has taken place. Yet, if one didn't feel this way and they simply overlooked what had happened, it could create the impression that they don't care.

The Ideal

This shows how one's emotions can have a positive effect on their life when they are able to embrace how they feel without being overwhelmed. One can then utilise this source of information.

On the other hand, when one only allows themselves to experience certain emotions, they are going to miss out of a lot of the information that is within them. One could then be in a position where they are able to experience guilt but they don't allow themselves to get angry, or vice versa.

Out of Control

Along with this, one could end up being taken out by how they feel, and it will then be a challenge for them to maintain their centre. Instead of being able to contain how they feel and to do what is necessary; they could end up feeling down or doing something they will later regret, for instance.

If they were to feel guilty, they could end up punishing themselves for what has taken place, and this is not going to do them any good. It will be important for them to look into what they can do and what they can't, and not to suffer unnecessarily.

Another Experience

But if they were to get angry, they could end up losing control and causing harm to someone (or something). One will be able to feel strong through being angry, but how they feel will soon subside and they will have to face the consequences of their actions.

At the same time, one could have the tendency to disconnect from their anger, and this could cause them to come across as easy going. It could be said that there is a greater chance of someone ignoring their anger in today's world than there is of them being controlled by it.

Black and White

Anger is often seen as a bad thing, and as something that causes more harm than good. But while this is something that a lot of people believe, it doesn't mean that it is the complete truth.

One way of looking at anger would be to say that it is neutral; it all depends on what someone does when they feel angry. Clearly, it is not a good idea for one to be controlled by their anger, and it is not going to be a good idea for them to disconnect from it either.

Emotional Strength

When one disconnects from their anger, it can cause them to be walked over, and this is going to cause them to suffer. In order for one to be able to embrace their anger and to use it in a productive manner, they will need to be able to contain this emotion.

So, if one disconnects from their anger, it can show that they don't feel comfortable with it. They may believe that if they were to get angry, they would end up losing control of themselves.

A Build Up

It is then a case of putting up with bad behaviour and allowing other people to take advantage of them, or embracing how they feel and causing harm. What this can then show is that one is carrying a lot of anger within them.

And if they have been this way for a long as they can remember, it is not going to be much of a surprise. The longer this goes on, the more anger will build up inside them, and one may even have had moments when they have lost control.


There is the chance that is wasn't safe for them to get angry when they were younger, and this is then why they behave in this way. The anger within them can be the result of what has taken place in their adult years, and it can be due to what happened when they were younger.

If one can relate to this and they want to develop the ability to contain their anger, they might need to work with a therapist or a healer. This will give them the opportunity to look into what is taking place within them and to gradually work through it.

Prolific writer, author, and coach, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With over one thousand three hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice. His current projects include 'A Dialogue With The Heart' and 'Communication Made Easy'.

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 By Oliver JR Cooper

Article Source: Anger: Does The Fear Of Losing Control Stop Some People From Getting Angry?

How Do We Know If We Can Trust Someone?

Many of us trust too easily only to discover that we were betrayed. Others of us don't trust at all. Trusting too quickly, or not trusting at all, usually says more about us than about the other person. Trust is not something that we want to automatically do when we meet someone. We also don't want to automatically mistrust someone either. Some of us experience an involuntary response to trust, or not to trust, and neither one of these extremes serve us well.

Trust is something that takes time. It's a process.

Trust is a process

When I say, trust is a process, it means that it takes time to get to know someone. If we enter a relationship at a slow and steady pace, we will discover more about who the other person's true self. We can then determine whether they can be trusted with our feelings, and our shared personal information, because our trust is the greatest gift we can give someone.

Finding the Balance

Some of us were betrayed early in life, and we don't trust easily because of that. Others so desperately want to be in a relationship, or a friendship, that we rush to trust someone to make that happen. We don't give ourselves the opportunity, and time, to get to know that person to determine if they are trustworthy, or not.

In adulthood, often not being able to trust a friend, or a potential romantic partner, may be because we have been betrayed in our childhood, adolescence, or at some time as an adult. The person desiring our trust may very well be trustworthy, however we may not be able to recognize this due to our history.

Our Past Relationships Reflected in The Present

One of the first big tasks of our lives is establishing trust versus mistrust. As a child, we develop a sense that our needs will be met, versus a sense that they won't. Our view of the world is often determined by how secure we feel that we can rely on others for our expectations to be met. If we have had good, consistent relationships in the past, we may assume as much from our current and future relationships, and trust too easily based upon this experience.

If our parents, or our experiences in past relationships, were inconsistent in meeting our needs, we may fear current and future relationships will respond the same way. We make ourselves vulnerable when we trust. Withholding our trust may be used as self-preservation to protect us from being hurt again. How can I trust myself from past mistakes?

It's Not You, It's Me

Sometimes it is challenging to differentiate to determine if we are not feeling trustworthy of someone else. Is it about them? Or is it about our own history? So many times, I have heard during psychotherapy sessions that, "My friend is talking about other people and I'm uncomfortable. I don't know if I ought to trust them or not."

 By Kathleen Dwyer Blair

Article Source: How Do We Know If We Can Trust Someone?

Create Value for Your Youth Age

A man's youthful days are the critical bridge between childhood and old age. It is the right period of our lives that we have both the physical and mental strength and are daring, having hearts that are filled with visions of the future. Many have regrets today at their old age as a result of the decisions they took and the choices they made when they were young, energetic, vibrant and strong.

The devil says, "Youth for pleasure, middle age for business, old age for religion" but the Bible says, "Youth, middle age, and old age for your Creator." Unfortunately, it's especially in our youth that we are most inclined to forget our Creator. Hence, it's especially in these years that we must work to remember our Creator (Ecc.12:1).

Whereas youths can be quite impulsive and sometimes a bit silly, they are, nonetheless, a most valuable component in the service of Jehovah and a wonderful resource in the kingdom of heaven. The fact is that, the Bible is full with examples of how God has used young people in some of the most vital roles in the unfolding of his marvelous plan of redemption e.g., Joseph, Miriam, Samuel, Esther, David, Solomon, Josiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Mary, etc. Jesus himself provided the proper example as well - Lk 2:41-52. Timothy, who had known the Scriptures from childhood, was to be an example to others as a youth- 2Ti 3:15; 1Ti 4:12.

Serving God in our youth will help us avoid many of the evils that bring sorrow and regret in old age, and prepare you for the "days of darkness" (Ecc.11:8) that will come. These are days in which little or no pleasure will be found in what as a youth is called "enjoyment" (Ecc.12:1). With every certainty, these days will come and the preparation is when a man is young if he will not end in regret.

We can compare the youthful days as the first fruits of our lives and old age to leftovers. God deserves the first fruits, our best and not leftovers. Many Christians who get converted to Christ late in life are said to have expressed huge regrets about how little they know and how little they can learn at old age. King Solomon wasted his youthful years experimenting with the things that he at the end called "Vanity upon vanity" (Ecc. 1,1; 2:1-end). As Solomon grew old, he had a sad end because of the choices of his youthful days (1Kings 11:1-13).

"King Solomon, however, loved many foreign women... As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the Lord his God,... So Solomon did evil in the eyes of the Lord; he did not follow the Lord completely... " (1 Kings 11:1,4,6 NIV)

God is looking for young men and women like Joshua and Deborahs who He can fill with His spirit and who will do great exploits for His Kingdom. Will you invest your youthful years in Kingdom service or will waste them and regret your future?

Having hearts that are filled with visions of the future. Many have regrets today at their old age as a result of the decisions they took and the choices they made when they were young, energetic, vibrant and strong.

 By Terry O Agare

Article Source: Create Value for Your Youth Age

A Path to the Self - Three Ways to Gain Self-Knowledge

Through self-knowledge, you recognize your divine nature and the deeper purpose to life. You create a larger context in which to view your existence. You learn how to interpret and organize your experiences. You develop an inner connection with all creation. Self-knowledge helps you blend world and spirit.

Along the way you face the demon of attachments. Some attachments are healthy, such as those to family and friends. But you must release your need to control other people and events. You must deal with challenging situations or choose to let them go. Self-knowledge strengthens your ability to grow and expand your sense of self.

Develop the capacity for concentration and stillness with meditation.

Quiet times alone help you awaken to the truth of your divine nature. For a short while you step away from the constant demands of the outside world. You let go of false beliefs and illusions. You let go of feelings of separation. During times of stillness you free yourself from habitual patterns that limit your spiritual growth.

Meditation relaxes the body, calms the mind and renews the spirit. You access a deeper state of awareness. You increase your creativity. You are better able to concentrate. Meditative techniques vary. You may focus on your breath. You may repeat a mantra or affirmation. You may walk with quiet attention.  Meditation may be the most powerful tool for developing a clear, focused mind.

Cultivate mindfulness as essential for a conscious life.

By paying attention to each present moment, you appreciate the fullness of being alive. Habitual ways of thinking and acting disconnect you from the now. Fear distracts you. Impatience robs you of life's joy. Many of your bumps and bruises occur because of a lack of mindfulness.

Mindfulness simply means paying attention. You give your entire awareness to the present moment. You use past experience to enhance the meaning of the present. You let go of your need to rush into the future. Being mindful helps you focus on what matters the most to you.

Acquire knowledge of the world around you and within you.

To gain self-knowledge you must let go of limiting beliefs that inhibit your learning and growth. Examples of these beliefs abound. "I can't do it. I don't deserve it. It will never happen." Examine these beliefs and especially your interpretation of them. Talk to friends who encourage you, not those who increase your doubts.

If you feel confused and overwhelmed, you can seek more information. Consider taking a course of study. Read new books on specific subjects. Most important, remain open-minded and able to ask questions. Awareness of both inner and outer worlds increases your self-knowledge and sense of wholeness.

As you recognize your divine nature, you grasp the deeper purpose of life that underlies all existence. You let go of unhealthy attachments that do not serve this purpose. In your life journey, you encounter obstacles and difficulties that obscure the truth of your divine nature. But just as the tiny acorn contains what is necessary for the mighty oak tree. You have all you need within to accomplish your purpose for living. You are guided by a Higher Power and inner wisdom. As you blend world and spirit, you increase your self-knowledge and expand your sense of self.

Dr. Mary Beth Ford is the author of Wisdom from the Gardens-Life Lessons and creator of the CD Garden Wisdom-5 Ways to Grow in Life Balance and Joy. She specializes in the area of life balance, which she describes as balance between outer world and inner Self. In her work she shares five powerful garden lessons for living with balance and joy. She helps busy people live with Spirit in the world. Using nature images she offers us a new way of seeing ourselves and our world.

To live with more balance and joy, explore Mary Beth's website at Sign up for bi-monthly Reflections and weekly One Minute Reflection. Receive a free audio gift of Garden Wisdom Secrets. Follow her on Facebook at

 By Dr. Mary Beth Ford

Article Source: A Path to the Self - Three Ways to Gain Self-Knowledge

Things Don't Make People Better

People are all the same, but for some unknown reason, always try to find ways to separate from one another. We are all products of our own environments and of course, our ancestors. People are highly adaptable to their habitat and particular experiences, in which make us who we are, but has absolutely nothing to do with the things we own.

Money seems to be what people strive for, but not just to be able to survive, shall we say, comfortably, but more for superiority. It seems to be a popular believe that the more money and things that a person acquires, the better and more powerful he/she is, therefore a daily display of wealth is very necessary and a priority for most people. Most people will not admit that they are trying to appear "better" than the next, but that's why people spend more than they need to trying to impress upon people that they don't even know.

People waste lots of money on things that are not only not necessary, but have absolutely no value once purchased. People try to obtain the biggest house on the block and the fanciest car possible, no matter the cost and the most expensive clothing are an absolute must. It's funny how people just have to have the latest electronics possible, phones, tv's, tablets, laptops, etc... and for no reason other than it being the latest or newest of it's kind. Now, houses tend to hold their value for the most part, but if the house is too big for one's needs and the payments are above one's means, then it's a waste of money. An economical car is adequate enough to fulfill anybody's transportation needs, therefore, anything more than that is an unnecessary waste of money, especially if you have to work overtime to make the payments. For the record, clothing are worthless once they are out of the stores. Most people don't even utilize their phones to their potential, nor do most people use their phone to generate income, so the free phones that are offered by all the wireless carriers are adequate enough to accommodate most peoples' communication needs, but I guess it's just not fancy enough to fulfill,.. who knows what. Just because a person has a more expensive car, or lives in a bigger house, or is draped in jewelry makes them any different from another person.

At the end of the day, life is best thing that we are all gifted with. Without life, none of those things matter at all. Nothing makes one person better than the next. To be honest, I'm not even sure what it means for one to be better than another. We all breathe the same air. We all have to eat to survive. We all have the same vulnerabilities. We are all victims of life, genealogy, our personal experiences and our personal environments. Any of us could have been any of us. In either case, we had absolutely no control over that. We have no choice but to live with what we were born into, whether we like it or not. That's just the way it is.

The true sadness of it all is that people do judge people on a daily basis, and those judgements are solely based on appearances. The clothing we wear, our hygiene, the car(s) we drive or don't drive, the area we live and the materialistic things that we have, but don't need. As previously stated, I don't know what it means to be a better person. but I do know that people only show what they want others to see, which in most cases is not true at all, and definitely not the whole story. People won't display that they lie,steal and cheat or even worse, but then again, I don't see how people can display any of that.

My name is Mert Taylor. I like to write about things on my mind and subjects that you should be aware of. Visit my website at to learn more.

 By Mert Taylor

Article Source: Things Don't Make People Better

Using Your Thoughts to Change Your Future

How do you truly want to feel?

Would you like to really enjoy spending time with alone? To be at peace with all the negative inner voices you try and avoid at all cost?

What would it take for you to feel good about Yourself? Your life?

Do you need a bigger house, faster shinier car, children, girlfriend or boyfriend, how much money would be enough? Have you gained these things but still question why you're so unhappy?

Constant pursuit of external happiness can lead us down many roads, some of which may even offer a degree of satisfaction for a short period of time. Drugs, alcohol, food, sex, relationships anything to take us away from how we feel.

Using your thoughts to change your future. But what are we trying to escape from?

An undeniable and annoying truth is that whatever we are trying to run away from will persevere until we deal with it. No amount of bags or cars can give you a true sense of self and worthiness. I know, I have tried! (but I do miss my Louis Vuitton bags)

The very thing that we spend so much time and energy trying to run away from are our own thoughts! Thoughts about our past, worries about the future, things that have or haven't happened to us. The shit we carry around with us every day that does nothing but provide a lead weight, holding us to the bottom of the sea with no chance of coming up for air and seeing all the beauty around us. When we are in this place of torture we are only able to see our immediate situation and not what could be possible. Using your thoughts to change your future is the key!

My dark day

There was a time I remember researching on the internet the best ways to commit suicide. I felt there was literally no other option. I could not see any way out of the pain I was in. My mind was consumed and I was a tortured soul. I will never forget a particular conversation I had where I was asked to just commit to trying for one year and then if I still felt the same and I no longer wanted to be alive I would be supported in my decision.

3 months later I met my now husband! Now if I had taken that step that day and ended my life, I would never have experienced the joy he has bought into my life. I'd never have felt true unconditional love and happiness from him or for myself.

Sometimes it takes a leap of faith. It takes having a little belief that perhaps you could feel different. That your days don't have to be consumed with anxiety, stress, panic attacks, depression. That the reasons why you are suffering in these ways may not be a reality after all. That your thoughts, beliefs and feelings about yourself may be in need of a massive over-haul, but all you need is the support to see that clearly.

Are your thoughts the problem?

Humans apparently have between 50,000 - 70,000 thoughts a day! (something I will be covering in more detail in another blog) Now if you're struggling with anxiety, phobias, self-esteem and confidence issues then I'm taking a guess that a large proportion of those thoughts contain a lot of negatives. These thoughts are there due to our life experiences; the collection of information/memories our subconscious mind has kept throughout our lives so far.

While some of these memories may be fantastic and leave us feeling great, others may not be so positive. They may be the very memories that have contributed to your current struggles. It's these memories that have attached feelings, they then become your beliefs which affect your behaviour.

Changing the associated out of date, shitty thoughts, beliefs and behaviours is where your life will finally become your own. You will regain your own power and realise that if you can change something you never thought possible well what else can you achieve! Now doesn't that feel good?

It only takes one-second to make that decision to deal with your demons so you can finally move on. To make that phone call, ask that person out, say I do, Its' over, approach help to pay those debts, tie up those loose ends, say I love you, book in a therapist. Whatever it is, it takes just one step.

This can be where working with a qualified therapist can deliver an amazing shift. When you begin to see your own potential and add accountability to it you would be amazed at what can happen. It starts with a single decision! Can you afford not to?

When is enough, enough for you?

Contact Becky @ Positive Mind Hypnotherapy

By Becky Goncalves

Article Source: Using Your Thoughts to Change Your Future

How To Avoid Repeating Past Mistakes

Many people believe that we need our military, the police, and prisons 'until humanity will evolve'.

However, how can humanity evolve if we are so cruel and violent?

Does our violent system help us become more sensible and sensitive? Is the world becoming better with time?

No. Everything is becoming worse with time. More incurable diseases and more invincible mental disorders torture our depressed population. Teenagers are committing suicide and harming themselves with sharp objects until they bleed because bleeding makes them feel an absurd pleasure that results from the control of their anti-conscience.

Could you ever imagine that humanity could come to this point?

Our own children are killing themselves because they don't want to live in the horrible world we created and also because they have a terrible anti-conscience that doesn't let them have the behavior of saints and face the adversities of life with courage and determination.

How many people have mental health problems in the world? How many people feel lost in their lives?

The fact that everyone can find God's therapy in their dreams in a natural form, and without depending on anyone else is a big consolation for every person. I already told you my story. I was lucky because God helped me discover Carl Jung's method of dream interpretation when I was pregnant and I always was depressed and angry.

This method works for sure and there are no risks, since it is a natural method that doesn't depend on dangerous chemical substances. This method is based on God's wisdom and not on human suppositions.

In a period of time when humanity is more than lost with all the problems that exist in the horrible world we created in our beautiful but dangerous planet, God found a way to show us that we suffer in life because we are demons.

Thanks to Carl Jung's method of dream interpretation and thanks to my obedience to the guidance I had in my dreams, today we know that we are absurd and evil. We don't have human feelings.

Therefore, we can finally understand why we have to do what God shows us in our dreams and in our religion, and not what we want.

We are too far from sound mental health. We have to be humble.

This is irritating for our ego, but our ego is absurd and evil. Our ego is selfish and has numerous absurd desires.

Our ego is stupid and must be transformed.

We have to obey God's guidance even against our will because we are lazy and irresponsible and God knows that our mental health is in danger. On the other hand, many negative parts of our personality constantly replace our ego.

We forget the traumatic experiences we had in the past when we want to remember only what seemed to be good.

Some people cannot forget their traumatic experiences and this is why they suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, but other people don't remember their past as it really was. They are not afraid of visible dangers like the first dreamer whose dream I analyzed today, or they think that their past was not so bad like the second and the third dreamer. They don't understand that they should be afraid to repeat past mistakes.

Everyone is influenced by their satanic anti-conscience, since it controls the negative parts of our personality.

The truth is more than disappointing for the human race, but this is the truth. So, we have to take it into consideration and recognize that we depend on God's guidance, since we are so far from balance.

We must be grateful because God helped us understand His symbolic language in dreams and now we can have a direct contact with Him through dream messages.

This alternative is a consolation for humanity because it helps every human being evolve.

Thanks to our contact we God, today we know that we have to attain sanctity in order to become mentally healthy human beings. This is how we can evolve without limits.

While we have a satanic primitive conscience interfering in our reasoning system and causing problems in our daily lives, we are absurd and evil in numerous situations, even if we manage to work without problems, we seem to be good, and we seem to be reasonable.

The demon we have inherited in our brain must be eliminated through consciousness. This is a difficult process.

Now that we know how far from sound mental health we really are, we have to humbly obey God's guidance in our dreams in order to eliminate the demon we inherit in our brain without wasting time.

This is how everyone will evolve without limits.

Right now this is not visible because we are in the beginning of a big transformation, but in the future everyone will verify the power of this knowledge.

You have to pay attention to this information today.

You don't know if you will still have the chance to follow an evolutionary process in the future since you don't know for how long you will live, and later you won't be able to prevent all the problems you can prevent today or treat the dangerous mental disorders that already are destroying your conscience.

Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.
Learn more at:
Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).

 By Christina Sponias

Article Source: How To Avoid Repeating Past Mistakes

Our Mission In Life Is Not Just To Survive, But To Thrive

So many people today are unfortunately just surviving instead of thriving. They have a "just get by" type of mentality every minute of every day. Living to survive prohibits us from living a meaningful life.

I strongly believe that one of the core reasons why so many get accustomed to living a life of survival instead of a life that is thriving is because they let the hustle and bustle of life completely take over their lives and clog their decision-making.

Stay purpose-driven. I know firsthand how easy it can be at times to let the hustle and bustle of life take over every move of yours if you aren't intentional about staying purpose-driven. Staying purpose-driven can mean a lot of things. Everything that you do should revolve around staying purpose-driven.

Hang around with winners. You have probably heard a million times about the importance of who you hang out with, but it's amazing how many people still don't comprehend it and practice it in their every day life.

Constantly build yourself up. There is no doubt about it that life can be hard. Find whatever works for you and stick to a plan. When you learn to be your own best friend and constantly search for ways to build yourself up rather than tear yourself down, you will begin to realize that you absolutely got this and have what it takes.

You don't have to merely exist in life. You can thrive by practicing gratitude on a daily basis. Each day, think of something new. Don't repeat the same thing twice. Forgive yourself and others for past "mistakes." These are all learning opportunities. Take the lessons from them and move on.

Always keep learning-about yourself and others. If they knew better, they'd do better. Make time for fun and relaxation. So many people take life way too seriously! Life is a balance-work and play. Make time for work as well-something that provides value for others. Having a purpose provides a sense of well-being in your life. Contribute. Give back to the world in a positive manner.

Look for beauty. Take care of your body. This adds so much more to your life when you are taking part in something that you actually lose track of time when you are doing it, or you look forward to it because it is challenging you to bring out your best. Get rid of the idea of perfection. There's no such thing.

You can't be the best, but you can do your best. That's a huge difference! Pay attention to your limiting beliefs. Do you think you're a lousy writer? Who says? A horrible singer, actor, business person, public speaker, artist? What beliefs hold you back? Are you afraid of flying or scared of relationships? Try something new.

Push the envelope a little and try something different! Don't take the love in your life for granted. When you do, your actions take on a different meaning. Love is action. Life is too short to be taking each other for granted. Learn how to disagree respectfully.

Learn to be 100% responsible for your life. Admit your mistakes and learn from them. Trust that something better will happen because of them.

Thriving individuals have a spark that fuels energy in themselves and others too. Thriving has two crucial components: vitality and learning. Learning means growing through new knowledge and skills.

 By Rosemarie Sumalinog Gonzales

Article Source: Our Mission In Life Is Not Just To Survive, But To Thrive

Be Yourself, But Always Your Better Self

Pretending to be someone else is experienced as much by adults as it is for teens. We feel one way but act another. We pretend we like something when we really don't. We sacrifice our dreams because we are fearful of failure.

Take care of your health as early as now. Many diseases nowadays are connected with unhealthy lifestyle. Drinking and smoking are two good examples of an unhealthy lifestyle. You will notice a change in your body's performance. You'll feel more energized. Little lifestyle changes can go a long way. It is a common mistake committed by many people.

Most importantly, you must not let anyone treat you badly. You don't need another source of stress in your life. Focus on what you're really good at. There is at least one thing that you're really good at. Identify it and focus on honing that particular skill. Don't be afraid of change. Don't stick with conventional thinking.

How many times do you hear the advice, "Just be yourself" uttered as if it's a magical solution to all social woes? What do I need to do to fit in? "Just be yourself" is the key, apparently. Can you be anything but yourself? To be genuine is to do the things you believe in and want to be accepted for. There's no need to pretend that you like something you don't.

It's about relating to others with a genuine approach. Firstly, how can you be genuine? Don't worry about what other people think - Respect the opinions of others, but don't let them push you in a different direction if you don't agree; Don't compare yourself to other people - It's difficult enough understanding how you've reached your own position in life, so how could you work out anyone else's?

And there are probably people out there who think you've got it made when they don't know the half of it. It all goes toward your individual personality. You don't have to be or do anything you don't want to. So listen to what you love and enjoy each day striving for more of those things; Accept when you're wrong. Nobody is perfect. Be open. You don't have to tell everyone every last detail about your life. That's not the point of being open.

A genuine personality takes the situation in front of them, stays constant in what they believe, states their true opinions, and gives the same respect to everyone, but does this in varying ways. Which brings us to the second question. How do you relate to others? This alone is a big deal. Respect - Not everybody is like you. It's fine to respectfully disagree with another person's views. Respect helps relations.

There's no need to compete or outshine others. It won't make you better. Just be humble always because modesty and courtesy can go a long. Acceptance comes more freely when you're happy to acknowledge your weaknesses as well as your strengths.

Find the time to learn upon what you value and take the time to consider what makes up the essence of who you are. As part of this, contemplate your life and choices. Try to think about what kinds of things you would or wouldn't like to do, and act accordingly; finding out through trial and error helps more than you might think it does.

 By Rosemarie Sumalinog Gonzales

Article Source:  Be Yourself, But Always Your Better Self

Don't Limit Yourself, You Can Go As Far As Your Mind Lets You

There are other wonderful goals to achieve as well. Everyone has gifts - innate talents and abilities. Never allow anybody to tell you what to achieve. However, others are simply selfish, believing that if they themselves couldn't accomplish something, then they must deny those around them from accomplishing it too, for fear of that person will become "better" than them. No matter the intention, both are equally as damaging to our future growth and possibilities.

Understand that no one, not even yourself knows exactly how much you are capable of. Everyday somebody in the world is pushing the limits of human achievement despite what society or others have told them was possible. Many people who are limited in what they believe is possible will say and do things to thwart your own dreams and goals, but that in order to deal with those people, remind yourself that it really is them not believing in themselves projecting on to you.

If you put a limit in anything you do, It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve. You can't put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get.

When knowledge is limited - it leads to folly... When knowledge exceeds a certain limit, it leads to exploitation. Ideas are any man's greatest asset. In the end, our minds and their ability to create new ideas are the ultimate sources of all human wealth. That's a resource nearly without limit. It is not possible, given any degree of optimism and generosity in regard to people in general, to set a time limit on creative reflection or a limitation on the number of people involved in the creation.

The limit is not as narrow as it might be. You cannot limit yourself to one area of specialized craft. I don't have as tight a time limit anymore but I still write in long marathon sessions and then I won't write for a while, I'm the write-every-day writer. I don't want to limit myself. I want to keep doing all sorts of roles.

Function, form, and organization are all important. Why limit yourself to one discipline or field of study? I'm always trying to push myself to the limit to see what I can do. It's my strong will that I've always had since I was a kid.

I don't want to limit myself as a writer. Tastes change, and I want to keep my eye on the future. A translation needs to read convincingly. There's no limit to what can go into it in terms of background research, feeling, or your own interests in form and history. But what should come out is something that reads as convincing English-language text.

Thus, I try to push a single idea to its absolute limit and make happen.

Never limit yourself by the norm or what I should be doing.The limit of your present understanding is not the limit of your possibilities. However, in terms of money, you cannot go beyond a certain limit in your expenditure if you want to bring back money from your local market

By Rosemarie Sumalinog Gonzales

Article Source: Don't Limit Yourself, You Can Go As Far As Your Mind Lets You

Synchronicity - The Universe's Way of Saying You're Getting Warmer

"Synchronicity is the Universe saying you're getting warmer."

- Michelle Risi

You may be familiar with the term "synchronicity" but if not, it is a concept first explained by psychoanalyst, Carl Jung (1875-1961), and refers to events that are "meaningful coincidences" i.e. they occur with no causal relationship yet seem to be meaningfully related.

I have experienced an awful lot of meaningful coincidences in my life, especially around the time of my husband's sudden death when we were both 32.

Mind you, I was probably more open to the strangeness of the seemingly unrelated - yet somehow connected - events because of the shock of his sudden death and the immense impact that had on my heart and soul.

In fact, according to Charlene Belitz and Meg Lundstrom in their book, The Power of Flow:

Practical Ways to Transform Your Life With Meaningful Coincidence, synchronicity is more likely to occur when we are in a highly-charged state of emotional and mental awareness.

And yet, as Jung points out: "Synchronicity is an ever-present reality for those who have the eyes to see it."

In other words, we don't have to be in the throes of an intense emotional and/or psychological trauma in order to experience synchronicity - which is a good thing!

In her essay, Synchronicity and the Soul, writer Nancy Seifer explains how "Jung recognized that synchronicity... had the effect of breaking through the rationalistic shell of the modern scientific mind. It is a form of coincidence powerful enough to shatter the notion that material science has discovered all there is to know about the universe. To the person having an experience of synchronicity, the realization dawns that a mysterious force is at play in the world - a kind of cosmic clock whose gears operate on a more subtle plane."

But to what end? Are we to be taking something from these synchronistic experiences?

I think so. So does Seifer. "As the soul awakens," she explains, "it turns to the task of uncovering the meaning of life experiences, attempting to discern what each new circumstance may be trying to teach us."

Seifer goes on to explain that, "Because the experience has particular meaning to the individual involved, it has the power to open a portal to the world of meaning... the world of the soul."

So why are we often so quick to chalk up a series of unusual incidents - that deep down, we suspect may be trying to tell us something - as mere "coincidence"?

Because, as Belitz and Lundstrom explain: "Our scientific worldview is built on the concept of cause and effect. As a culture, we tend to doubt and deny aspects of experience that aren't measurable and verifiable."


That explains why, when I once told a room full of police officers trying to plan my husband's funeral that I thought there was a correlation between the Disneyland Parade we were in the week before and his funeral procession the next week, I was met with wide-eyed looks of concern. Clearly, I was off my rocker.

Maybe. But maybe not.

This much I know: connecting those two unrelated events would only make sense to me. And now that seventeen years have passed since that uncomfortable moment in my living room, I can safely say that enough strange "coincidences" have happened that it is only by NOT paying to attention them that I would have gone off my rocker.

To me, synchronicity has become a tool I use to help me keep on track in my life, work and writing. When enough odd things start happening, I take some time to process what might be going on and what lessons I should perhaps be learning - and then tweak accordingly.

Based on personal experience over the years, I do suspect synchronicity is the Universe's way of letting us know we are getting warmer. Our job, of course, is to pay attention to the hints being sent our way.

Maryanne Pope is the CEO of Pink Gazelle Productions and the author of the creative non-fiction book, A Widow's Awakening. For further details on A Widow's Awakening or to read Maryanne's blogs, please visit To sign up to receive Maryanne's Life After Loss blog series, please visit

 By Maryanne Pope

Article Source: Synchronicity - The Universe's Way of Saying You're Getting Warmer

How To Buy Quality Incense Sticks

If you want to relax your mind and body, you can burn some incense sticks in your room or office. They also help with spiritual meditation and energize you by creating the best environment. You can get incense sticks in several scents and brands. Based on your mood, you can go for the right one. Read on.

Choosing Incense Sticks

First of all, when buying the product, make sure quality is your first priority. For best results, we suggest that you go for natural incense. The ingredients of these products include resins, essential oils, herbs, crushed flowers and various fragranced woods. In addition to these ingredients, spring or distilled water is also added.

Keep in mind that you should keep from some blended incenses that don't show what the product is made from. As a matter of fact, blended synthetic products don't offer long-lasting fragrance. Often, they include scents that don't come from plants. Also, high quality products come from Tibet, Nepal, India and Japan.

Uses for Incense Sticks

Every person uses the incense sticks for different reasons. However, typically, they are used for room fragrance, meditation and aromatherapy. On the market, you can find a whole host of incense sticks, but not all types can be used for all types of occasions. Actually, the selection of a stick depends upon your usage and taste. Let's take a look at some of the common uses.


They are used for aromatherapy in order to induce a certain feeling or mood. As a matter of fact, different fragrances trigger specific feelings and moods like relaxation, joy, romance, energy and sleepiness, just to name a few.

Room Fragrance

Incense sticks used for this purpose usually contain natural oils. As a matter of fact, these sticks produce fresh, natural scents that last longer, especially if you have bought the high quality sticks.


Remember: Indian incense offers meditative qualities. As a matter of fact, the aroma of these hand-dipped sticks helps you relax so that you can go into your subconscious. Actually, the selection of these sticks depends upon your own preferences. You can go for patchouli, champa or sandalwood, just to name a few. If you do yoga or meditation session on a regular basis, we recommend buying some quality incense sticks from a reliable seller.

So, based on your purpose, you can choose the relevant incense sticks. Just make sure you go for a quality product. Buying a low quality product may cause health issues, which you don't want at any cost.


In short, incense serves a variety of purposes. They are used for fragrance or spiritual needs. As a matter of fact, burning these sticks is a great way to get the desired results. Some experts believe that the product offers healing properties in addition to giving you positive energy. So, you can use the high quality, natural ingredients of the product in order to fill your house with the natural fragrance. The product is an ideal choice if you do yoga on a regular basis.

Have you been looking for quality    incense sticks? If so, we suggest that you check out Veinnalimports today. They offer a great collection of it.

 By Shalini Madhav

Article Source:  How To Buy Quality Incense Sticks

5 Ways To Balance Life & Social Media

Millions of people use social media on a daily basis. There are a lot of advantages to this. Social media can platform your business, help you to keep up with friends and family and even give support during challenging times. But with those advantages, come disadvantages. Just as with most things in life, you need to balance the pros with the cons.

Here are 5 ways you can better balance life and social media:

Don't Compare

We have all done it. We look at all the amazing pictures of people on social media and wonder, what are they doing that I am not? In some fashion, we all have felt that feeling for a moment. But, what is important to realize is that what you are seeing is just a moment in time for that person. I call it the highlight reel. You are seeing a bunch of the best clips of people's lives. What is dangerous about this highlight reel is that you are comparing a bunch of people's best moments to your entire life. This can decrease confidence and be very discouraging.

The Fix

When you are scrolling through social media, get real. Understand that every single person that you are viewing has faced trials and tribulations. Cut the ruminating during and after your time on social media and accept that you saw a moment in time for someone, and recognize you can't realistically compare their one moment in time to your entire life.

Limit Your Time

Your time on social media can add up quickly. Five minutes in the morning, 15 minutes at lunch and 20 minutes at night; that adds up. What if you took 30 of those 40 minutes back? Could you get that run in? Could you read a chapter in a book? Would an extra 210 minutes a week help you work toward that goal? By limiting your time you increase the ability to get some time back in your day to help you achieve bigger goals.

The Fix

Start by becoming more aware of your social media time. Be honest and track how many minutes you spend. Then, cut that time in half and take the time you get back to do something healthy for your mind or body. If you feel you can't get away from social media because you need to make posts for your business, take time to look into programs where you enter in your content for the week or month and it automatically releases it for you each day. This will keep you off social media, where you may blend doing business with checking your personal profile.

Avoid Distractions

Social media can be a distraction. While in the middle of a project you get a pop up on your phone that says "John Doe just followed you." This two second distraction soon becomes 20 as you look at John's Page, thank him for following you and then scroll through Twitter.

The Fix

When you are working on a project, be sure all tabs on your computer are closed. Do not enable push notifications on your phone. Research shows it takes 15 minutes to get into flow (or the zone). When you are interrupted, it takes that much time to get back into the zone. Don't waste your time, avoid distractions and use social media as a reward for getting work done.

Don't Worry About Being "Liked"

Some people use "likes" as way to boost confidence and get approval. While it is okay to want people to like your posts, be sure of two things: First, that you do not post out content and then hover over your aacount to see every single like that comes in. That is a waste of your time and energy. Second, that you are not posting a picture or content to feel personally validated. Be sure that you are happy and approved with yourself, don't give that control out to others.

The Fix

If you are that person that hovers to see every like that comes in, instead, make a posting and put a time limit to checking. Post your content and then check back 30 minutes later. Go work on a goal or task and then as a reward check your social media status. If you post to gain acceptance from others, complete an honest self-check of all sectors of your life and make sure that you are content with where you are in those areas of life. If you feel off in one or more of those areas, take the time you spend on social media and instead channel it into improving the area in your life that you feel needs some working on.

Put Your Main Life Roles First

The goal here is to be sure that you have given quality time and attention to those people (including you) you love and care for before you give your time to social media. For example, the parents who use social media at the dinner table may be missing opportunities to ask their children about their day. Or, when you are on and around your partner, you may miss opportunities to touch or learn more about each other. And, when it comes to you, if you are on a walk alone and flipping through your media, you may miss an amazing idea that your mind has. Alone time is a great time for self-reflection and the generation of new and potentially successful ideas.

The Fix

During important moments put your phone away. If you want to take photos on your phone, only use the phone for taking photos. Make the commitment to yourself that you will not swipe the push notifications or post the photo you just took onto social media. Be present and in the moment. You can always post the photos you take later on. When you are alone with yourself, set the phone aside for at least the first 15 minutes and take time to reflect.

Dr. Jaime Kulaga is a Certified Life Coach, Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Motivational Speaker. She is the author of the international book "The SuperWoman's Guide to Super Fulfillment: Step-by-Step Strategies to Create Work-Life Balance." She is the inspirational founder of the nationally known SuperWoman Workshops. She is host of The Dr. Jaime Show every Friday morning at 930 am EST on Dr. Kulaga has been featured internationally for her expertise in Work-Life Balance.

 By Jaime Kulaga

Article Source: 5 Ways To Balance Life & Social Media

The Inner And Outer Worlds Of People

Some people are driven from within, and other people are pushed from without, too many others. The people really, that are driven from within are usually the winners, while those motivated purely by outer things are usually the losers. Sure, luck, fortune and all of that may figure into the variance in results, do not get me wrong, but those driven from within have the automatic advantage. Indeed, to be motivated from within yourself is the greatest thing in the world, for you have the power plant from within to go on, even if you do temporarily fail sometimes. Those motivated from without purely have to depend on luck and fortune to get them through, for perseverance is not in them.

Think about these realities for a moment. To be driven from within is the greatest thing in existence, then. Otherwise, you are like a kid expecting a candy reward for everything done right and nothing is there to "reward you".

So, I get it if you do not yet, the genuine reward has to be made from within yourself. Now, I am not saying that life is as bad as politics, or as amoral as a winning game of poker, or as automatically moral as business can get at its best, but, I am saying that real motivation has to come from within or it is not there at all. After all, the outer world without inner motivation is a cold place to be, do and have anything, anyhow.

Think right now, those who are psychologically oriented about the "locus of control theory". Those who have an internal locus of control get their motivation from within, it is that simple. Those who have an external locus of control are like the dogs of Pavlov salivating at a bell or more in a more polite way: They are motivated by seeming rewards outside of themselves. Think about that for a moment. When the power plant is inside of you, you own the power. When the power plant is a battery outside of you, you had better develop some strength from within. Some of the best things, opportunities and realities in life are missed because the reality of internal motivation is missed. Without power from within yourself, you are nowhere but giving your power away. When you can motivate yourself whatever happens, that is when you start owning the power, impetus and opportunity.

My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.

 By Joshua Clayton

Article Source: The Inner And Outer Worlds Of People

Message From the Universe: Never Settling for Less Than What You Deserve

"As surely as mountains are to be climbed and oceans sailed, your dreams are meant to come true. This is why you're here, to live the life of your dreams. Not to be tested, challenged, and tried, but to conquer, champion, and rule. Keep going, forge ahead, press on, and the day must dawn when your thirsts shall be quenched, and you, exalted.

Never settle for less, don't ever think it's too late, and never, ever, ever compromise a dream.

Exalting you early,
The Universe"

This is definitely a message that I needed today. Being an entrepreneur, with all 14 projects that I juggle on a daily basis, there are times where I question myself as to the direction that I need to take to bring them all to completion. As a business owner, no one is really telling me if the path taken is the right one. I go with the flow, studying the different options and choosing the best one among the many offered. I am not always sure if that chosen one will optimize the end results so I sometimes just take a guess and follow my gut instinct. However, at the end of my tunnel, I do see light. Even though that light is barely enough to clear my path to success, it is still there. The hope that every of my endeavor will eventually break free and help me reach my goals is giving me that energy to push forward no matter what obstacle in front of me.

I know I can't control any of the outcome of my endeavors and live my life in the edge of my seat, with no security blanket, NO salary, NO steady income, NO guarantee whatsoever. Life presents NO certainty whatsoever, and the same goes for relationships. If you expect something to happen and focus too much on that one thing, you will end up being very disappointed. Do not live your life around the hope that your significant other will be with you forever and start developing insecurities in the relationship. You will end up damaging what can be something great to a guaranteed demise and destruction. Let the relationship develop and go with the flow. Do not worry about the "if's" and the "how's", focus on the NOW. It will help you guarantee a more peaceful life.

Dr Dan Amzallag, PhD, MBA, CLC

Author/Inspirational Speaker/Life Coach

Free Consultation: 301-325-1550


 By Daniel A Amzallag

Article Source: Message From the Universe: Never Settling for Less Than What You Deserve

Can't Light Your Darkness Anymore

People who live 'in the light' exude light and warmth that extends far beyond them. Their aura is strong and vibrant, felt deeply by those around them and even at a distance. People enjoy being around them even if barely touched by them. Others have made a choice to live in the darker side of life, some proudly, others defiantly. In some odd way those in the dark are particularly drawn to those in the light, like the proverbial 'moth to the flame.' The moth is typically burned; in life frequently the light is dimmed as it merges with darkness. This is even more prevailing when the person who chose the darker side refuses to leave it while the one in the light continues trying to light their darkness.

The vibrant colors of a light filled world gradually fade to black and white, and difficult. Those in the dark enjoy a special kind of glee in their quest to diminish and finally extinguish the light around them; it makes them uncomfortable. This was always the challenge. Time stands still as the colors of life fade away. As you search for yourself it seems there is always someone else you see for nothing looks the same when colored in the hues of gray. This is the world of dimming light gradually fading away. It can be a strange place to find yourself in, one where chuckles follow their intent to cast a spell on you. It is oh so fun to them and oh so frightening to you.

By now you may be feeling it is much too late to save yourself; but you're wrong. Things may seem fragmented as you search for who you used to be, wondering if you're ever going to find your way back. There are two important things to remember... things look different and frightening in the dark, and light always overcomes dark. You can find your way back but only if you are willing to leave the darkness and step back into the light.

These kinds of relationships are more common than one might imagine. There is simply a natural attraction to the light for those who have chosen the dark; it is a curiosity that cannot be quenched. They may tell you they mean you no harm but all that you embrace cannot survive in darkness; it thrives in the light. And so do you. It's not really so difficult; you must decide who you like the best. The person you were or the one you are becoming as you attempt to grow in the dark. You will either lose everything or change everything when you accept that you can't light their darkness anymore.

To learn more about this author please visit To learn more about her available books, please visit or your favorite bookseller.

 By Alexa Keating

Article Source: Can't Light Your Darkness Anymore

Haus Persaingan

Haus Persaingan Cerita ini berisi tema atau penyebutan kekerasan fisik, gore, atau pelecehan. Saya telah menatap layar selama berjam-jam. ...